I have the following script:
println("n \t n! \t\t Approximation \t\t Ratio")
for n in 1:10
fact = factorial(big(n))
stir = n^n * exp(-n) * sqrt(2 * Ο * n )
ratio = Float32(fact/stir)
println("$n \t $fact \t $stir \t $ratio")
This results in the following output:
n n! Approximation Ratio
1 1 0.9221370088957891 1.0844376
2 2 1.9190043514889832 1.0422071
3 6 5.836209591345864 1.0280645
4 24 23.50617513289329 1.0210083
5 120 118.01916795759008 1.016784
6 720 710.0781846421849 1.0139729
7 5040 4980.395831612461 1.0119678
8 40320 39902.3954526567 1.0104656
9 362880 359536.87284194824 1.0092984
10 3628800 3.598695618741036e6 1.0083654
Which is the better approach for cases like this one when I want to print outputs in columns?
using DataFrame
df = DataFrame(n = Int[], n! = Int[], Approximation = Float64[], Ratio = Float64[])
for n in 1:10
fact = factorial(big(n))
stir = n^n * exp(-n) * sqrt(2 * Ο * n )
ratio = Float32(fact/stir)
push!(df, [n, fact, stir, ratio])
strwidths = [maximum(strwidth.(string.([df[:, i]; names(df)[i]]))) for i in 1:size(df, 2)]
io = IOBuffer()
# Print headers
for (i, header) in enumerate(names(df))
print(io, rpad(header, strwidths[i]), "\t")
for j in 1:size(df, 1)
for i in 1:size(df, 2)
print(io, rpad(df[j,i], strwidths[i]), "\t")
n n! Approximation Ratio
1 1 0.9221370088957891 1.084437608718872
2 2 1.9190043514889832 1.04220712184906
3 6 5.836209591345864 1.028064489364624
4 24 23.50617513289329 1.0210082530975342
5 120 118.01916795759008 1.0167839527130127
6 720 710.0781846421849 1.0139728784561157
7 5040 4980.395831612461 1.0119677782058716
8 40320 39902.3954526567 1.0104656219482422
9 362880 359536.87284194824 1.0092984437942505
10 3628800 3.598695618741036e6 1.0083653926849365
The code is not very well polished but might give you a start.
Thank youβ¦ I am sorry, I didnβt want you to write the whole code for meβ¦ I was just thinking there was something more conciseβ¦ thank you for the the code and the many ideas on itβ¦
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You might find it easier to use something like GitHub - JuliaString/StringLiterals.jl: Implement improved string literals with Swift-style syntax for interpolation, hex, & unicode characters, plus C & Python style formatting and Unicode, HTML, LaTeX, and Emoji entities,
and I think it gives cleaner, easier to read output than the other solution.
It is not registered, so you need to load it and itβs dependencies the first time as follows:
const loc = "https://github.com/JuliaString/"
for pkg in ("StrTables",
"HTML_Entities", "LaTeX_Entities", "Unicode_Entities", "Emoji_Entities",
"Format", "StringLiterals")
Pkg.clone(string(loc, pkg, ".jl"))
Then you can write formatted output very succintly:
using StringLiterals
function out()
pr"""n \%8s("n!") \%16s("Approximation") \%10s("Ratio")\n"""
for n in 1:10
fact = factorial(big(n))
stir = n^n * exp(-n) * sqrt(2 * Ο * n )
ratio = Float32(fact/stir)
pr"\%-3d(n) \%8d(fact) \%16.8f(stir) \%10.8f(ratio)\n"
The output is:
n n! Approximation Ratio
1 1 0.92213701 1.08443761
2 2 1.91900435 1.04220712
3 6 5.83620959 1.02806449
4 24 23.50617513 1.02100825
5 120 118.01916796 1.01678395
6 720 710.07818464 1.01397288
7 5040 4980.39583161 1.01196778
8 40320 39902.39545266 1.01046562
9 362880 359536.87284195 1.00929844
10 3628800 3598695.61874104 1.00836539
Yeah, using seven packages and hard coding the alignments will indeed make the code shorter.
Another option might be to use @printf
Many packages depend on others - the only issue is that the packages are not yet registered.
No need to be snide.
Using @printf
as suggested:
julia> using Printf
julia> function justified()
@printf("%10s %10s %-20s %s \n", "n", "n!", "Approximation", "Ratio")
for n in 1:10
fact = factorial(big(n))
stir = n^n * exp(-n) * sqrt(2 * Ο * n )
ratio = Float32(fact/stir)
@printf("%10d %10d %-20s %f \n", n, fact, string(stir), ratio)
justified (generic function with 1 method)
julia> justified()
n n! Approximation Ratio
1 1 0.9221370088957891 1.084438
2 2 1.9190043514889832 1.042207
3 6 5.836209591345864 1.028064
4 24 23.50617513289329 1.021008
5 120 118.01916795759008 1.016784
6 720 710.0781846421849 1.013973
7 5040 4980.395831612461 1.011968
8 40320 39902.3954526567 1.010466
9 362880 359536.87284194824 1.009298
10 3628800 3.598695618741036e6 1.008365
There is also the wonderful PrettyTables packageβ¦
julia> using PrettyTables
julia> pretty_table(df;formatter=ft_printf(["%10d","%10d","%5.6f","%5.6f"],[1,2,3,4]),alignment=[:r,:r,:l,:l])
β n β n! β Approximation β Ratio β
β Int64 β Int64 β Float64 β Float64 β
β 1 β 1 β 0.922137 β 1.084438 β
β 2 β 2 β 1.919004 β 1.042207 β
β 3 β 6 β 5.836210 β 1.028064 β
β 4 β 24 β 23.506175 β 1.021008 β
β 5 β 120 β 118.019168 β 1.016784 β
β 6 β 720 β 710.078185 β 1.013973 β
β 7 β 5040 β 4980.395832 β 1.011968 β
β 8 β 40320 β 39902.395453 β 1.010466 β
β 9 β 362880 β 359536.872842 β 1.009298 β
β 10 β 3628800 β 3598695.618741 β 1.008365 β