A is a 1-column data with 3 elements: A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
Right now, if do the below: @show A;
The below will be shown on my REPL: A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
Is there a way I can set up Julia, so that it will display column data as columns, just like what Matlab is doing? For example, in this case, I would see the below:
One of the other things the output does is (wisely) truncate the middle of a long array when printing. But also sometimes, if I have a DataFrame with 60 columns and do names(df) I want all 60 names so I can scroll through them.
Quick & dirty would be:
map(println, A);
The semi-colon is so you also donβt print the result of map which is one nothing for evey element
You donβt need to worry about row vs column vectors in Julia as you do in Matlab. A Julia Vector is neither a row nor a column because it is truly 1-Dimensional and does not know about any other dimensions to orient itself against.
If you slice a Matrix in Julia in either direction, the result is a 1D Vector that forgets about its previous orientation.
I can think of two examples where a row is strictly treated as a row:
Plots.jl will sometimes ask for a 1x? Matrix as input rather than a Vector. This looks like a Matlab row vector but is really a special case of the 2D Matrix data type.
DataFrames.jl has a DataFrameRow type. It is used to preserve extra information about the data frame that would be lost if the data was presented as a Vector. For example, it has the special ability to be indexed by column name.