How to add data labels to bar plot?

I want to add data labels to the bars of my bar plot, as seen here:

(chart and python code accessible here

How do I do it? Right now what I have is:

y = rand(5)
x = string.([1,2,3,4,5])
using Plots
bar = plot(x, y, st = :bar, txt = x)

which returns:

Note that if I change st = :bar to st = :scatter, it works as expected:

y = rand(5)
x = string.([1,2,3,4,5])
using Plots
scatter = plot(x, y, st = :scatter, txt = x)

(well, I’d like the labels to not overlap with the markers but I guess that is easy to change)


I’m looking at a fix for this, but a workaround is to add

plot!(y .+ 0.1, st=:scatter,marker_shape=:none,primary=false,series_annotations=x)
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The following syntax seems to work fine with both plotly() and gr(), using annotate with automatic bottom alignment.

using Printf, Plots
x = [1,2,3,4,7]
y = rand(5)
str = [@sprintf("%.2f", yi) for yi in y],y, title="Annotated bar plot",legend=false)
annotate!(x,y, str, :bottom)


PS: included also a trick shown here to control the annotations’ font size, via tuples. But then the vertical positioning of the labels needs to be refined manually

using Printf, Plots
x = [1,2,3,4,7]
y = rand(5)
str = [(@sprintf("%.2f", yi),10) for yi in y]  # tuple with fontsize=10 (by: @pdeffebach)
(ymin,ymax) = extrema(y)
dy = 0.05*(ymax-ymin),y, title="Annotated bar plot",legend=false)
annotate!(x,y.+dy, str, ylim = (0,ymax+2dy))



Took me a while to figure out why that works. Cool!

For posterity: Now it works natively as your initial example.

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It does work, but changing the fontsize does not seem to work like the other attributes. Any information on that and chaking the x/y location of the annotations?

Does using series_annotations=text.(strings, 13) work? Either way this should probably be reported on GitHub. There’s a couple of issues related to ignored font arguments, perhaps tag on to one of those.