How to access values in TimeArrays cells

Following what can be done in DataFrames, for example,

using DataFrames, TimeSeries
A = [1,2,3]
B = [3,4,5]
C = DataFrame(A=A, B=B)
C[1,2] == 3 # true
typeof(C[1,2]) # Int64

I am trying to access values in cells from a TimeArray (TimeSeries package)

A = [1,2,3]
B = [4,5,6]
Z = [Date(2020,12,18), DateTime(2020,12,19), DateTime(2020,12,20)]
data = (A = A, B = B, datetime = Z)
C = TimeArray(data, timestamp = :datetime)
C[1,:B] == 3 # false
typeof(C[1,:B]) # TimeArray{Int64, 2, DateTime, Matrix{Int64}}

How may I do it? Thanks in advance!