I’m running a program that allocates an array of 20 integers, which I want to be initialized with zeros. So to start off with, I did this:
myfunc(Vector{Int64}(undef, 20))
This worked as the array would be filled with zeros. But when I did this, it allocated arrays with numbers and that would lead to overflows, even if the threadcount was 1:
Threads.@threaded for i = 1:Threads.nthreads()
myfunc(Vector{Int64}(undef, 20))
I now know that I should use zeros(Int64, 20) instead of allocating the array directly. But just for my information, how does multithreading affect whether calling the Vector constructor allocates zeros vs allocating garbage?
It doesn’t, except that what happens to be in memory might be different. Array initialization with undef gives you whatever happens to be in memory, which could be zeros but isn’t guaranteed to be in either case. If you keep doing that in either situation you’ll get non-zeros at some point.
julia> undef
UndefInitializer(): array initializer with undefined values
By creating an undef array, you are explicitly asking for an array filled with junk values, with whatever happens to be in memory. Sometimes, zeros may be what just happens to be there. zeros is for if you want zeros.
I did something like the following long ago and found it instructive about how often you can expect to get all zero memory when using undef for Int64 arrays:
function sim(n = 10, n_reps = 1_000_000)
all_zeros = 0
sum_zeros = 0
for _ in 1:n_reps
x = Array{Int}(undef, n)
count_zeros = 0
for i in 1:n
count_zeros += (x[i] == 0)
all_zeros += (count_zeros == n)
sum_zeros += count_zeros
(all_zeros / n_reps, sum_zeros / (n_reps * n))
all_zeros_freq, elementwise_zero_freq = sim()
On my laptop, opening a REPL and then running that whole block (including redefining the function) many times gradually drops the frequency of all zero memory as more and more dirty memory gets reused. The first round produces something like (0.997094, 0.9973374), but I can get it down below 90% if I cheap copying and pasting the same code.