The octeract engine solved 100% of the Mittelmann MINLP benchmark.
It is a commercial software.
We have a free MINLP solver called Alpine.
How do they compare?
As a side note, why doesn’t JuMP list octeract as a commercial solver available?
The octeract engine solved 100% of the Mittelmann MINLP benchmark.
It is a commercial software.
We have a free MINLP solver called Alpine.
How do they compare?
As a side note, why doesn’t JuMP list octeract as a commercial solver available?
How do they compare?
Octeract is probably much, much faster. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 10-100X faster.
Why doesn’t JuMP list octeract as a commercial solver available?
Do they have an official interface? I guess we could add the NL file interface to Installation Guide · JuMP
They support Julia.
This is just via our generic nl interface. But I’ve added octeract to our list of supported solvers