How does Julia compare with Nim, Go and Crystal for Artificial Intelligence?

these are examples of highly optimized (down to assembly code) subroutine, there’s not reason to think Julia should magically be faster.

I don’t know what that bio stuff benchmark is doing, see:

but there are plenty of examples where Julia is faster than X:

And finally, the point is not “Julia is always faster than everyone in any cases no matter what”, that’s just impossible. Also it doesn’t matter, hell, if python is just 10x slower in almost all cases, say, compare to today’s Julia. we won’t need millions of lines of code for Numpy Numba and numerous C/C++ code piles on top of each other and Julia may never be invented in the first place.

To this end, I don’t see how Nim, Go, Crystal, Rust are replacement: there’s not enough user (think grad students in science who never took formal training in CE) facing high level library and scripting ability.