How do I to transform mapreduce function to work well with CUDA?


I’m playing with CUDA.jl, and I just wish to perform a mapreduce faster. Here a minimal code:

using CUDA
using LinearAlgebra

x =  100
N = ((x^2)÷2 - x÷2)
n_hat = rand(3)
A = rand(3,N)
b = rand(N)

for p=1:10
    @time mapreduce(+, 1:N) do k
        b[k]*cis(dot(n_hat, A[:,k]))

d_n_hat = CuArray(n_hat)
d_A = CuArray(A)
d_b = CuArray(b)
for p=1:10
    @time mapreduce(+, 1:N) do k
        d_b[k]*cis(dot(d_n_hat, d_A[:,k]))

I know that is not just copy and paste my CPU code because I’m doing slicing of a matrix, but I don’t know how to change my code properly - and all my attempts got me worst results.
Any suggestions ?

You are not running code on the GPU, and should have not ignored the warning that CUDA.jl gave you when running this code:

Performing scalar operations on GPU arrays: This is very slow, consider disallowing these operations with `allowscalar(false)`

It’s impossible to dispatch this mapreduce to the GPU implementation, because you’re only giving it a UnitRange. You should use CuArray inputs instead.

hummmmmmm… indeed this time the warning has revelant.

If I have to use 100% array operations, the best that I come up right now was this:

sum(transpose(cis.( sum(repeat(d_n_hat, 1, N).*d_A, dims=1) )).*d_b)

But I have to use a lot of memory - that I would like to avoid.

You can do better by writing some of it as matrix multiplication:

julia> n_hat = rand(3);  A = rand(3, 4950); b = rand(4950);

julia> orig(b, n_hat, A) = mapreduce(+, axes(A,2)) do k
         b[k]*cis(dot(n_hat, A[:,k]))  # @view A[:,k] would help a bit

julia> second(b, n_hat, A) = sum(transpose(cis.( sum(repeat(n_hat, 1, size(A,2)).*A, dims=1) )).*b);

julia> cast(b, n_hat, A) = sum(transpose(b) .* cis.(n_hat'*A));

julia> @btime orig($b, $n_hat, $A)
  144.500 μs (4950 allocations: 541.41 KiB)
2351.495637869573 + 780.3363178842503im

julia> @btime second($b, $n_hat, $A)
  92.542 μs (12 allocations: 426.05 KiB)
2351.4956378695733 + 780.3363178842504im

julia> @btime cast($b, $n_hat, $A)  # still more memory than ideal
  35.708 μs (4 allocations: 116.22 KiB)
2351.4956378695733 + 780.3363178842505im

julia> @btime $n_hat' * $A;  # all the time is in broadcast and reduction
  7.219 μs (2 allocations: 38.77 KiB)

julia> third(b, n_hat, A) = mapreduce((x,y)->x*cis(y), +, transpose(b), (n_hat'*A));

julia> @btime third($b, $n_hat, $A)  # multi-arg mapreduce just calls map, #38558
  37.625 μs (4 allocations: 116.22 KiB)
2351.4956378695733 + 780.3363178842505im

julia> using MappedArrays

julia> mapped(b, n_hat, A) = sum(mappedarray((x,y)->x*cis(y), transpose(b), (n_hat'*A)));

julia> @btime mapped($b, $n_hat, $A)  # saves some memory, but little time?
  32.875 μs (2 allocations: 38.77 KiB)
2351.495637869573 + 780.3363178842503im

Thank you, I used your broadcast and reduction into CUDA and it works. I will manage the memory to make sure that everything fits on the card.

However, I was looking in discourse, and I found a topic using Folds.jl. Then, using into my code, it gave me a very good speed up.

For anyone interested, here all benchmarks. The first result is has Folds.jl and the last with CUDA.

using Libdl
using CUDA

using LinearAlgebra
using Folds
using MappedArrays

orig(b, n_hat, A) = mapreduce(+, axes(A,2)) do k
    b[k]*cis(dot(n_hat, A[:,k]))  # @view A[:,k] would help a bit

orig_folds(b, n_hat, A) = Folds.mapreduce(+, axes(A,2)) do k
    b[k]*cis(  n_hat[1]*A[1, k] + n_hat[2]*A[2, k] + n_hat[3]*A[3, k] ) 
second(b, n_hat, A) = sum(transpose(cis.( sum(repeat(n_hat, 1, size(A,2)).*A, dims=1) )).*b);
cast(b, n_hat, A) = sum(transpose(b) .* cis.(n_hat'*A));
third(b, n_hat, A) = mapreduce((x,y)->x*cis(y), +, transpose(b), (n_hat'*A));
mapped(b, n_hat, A) = sum(mappedarray((x,y)->x*cis(y), transpose(b), (n_hat'*A)));

using BenchmarkTools
function foo(x)
    N = ((x^2)÷2 - x÷2)

    A = rand(3,N)
    b = rand(ComplexF64, N)
    n_hat = rand(3)

    @btime orig_folds($b, $n_hat, $A)
    @btime orig($b, $n_hat, $A)
    @btime second($b, $n_hat, $A)
    @btime cast($b, $n_hat, $A)
    @btime sum(cis.(transpose(($n_hat)' * $A)).*$b) ## I converted this expression to CUDA
    @btime third($b, $n_hat, $A) 
    @btime mapped($b, $n_hat, $A)

    d_A = CuArray(transpose(A))
    d_b = CuArray(b)
    d_n_hat = CuArray(n_hat)
    @btime sum( cis.($d_A *$d_n_hat).*$d_b )
    return 0

julia> foo(6000)
55.285 ms (65 allocations: 4.22 KiB)
1.701 s (17997000 allocations: 1.88 GiB)
979.636 ms (12 allocations: 1.47 GiB)
374.404 ms (4 allocations: 411.92 MiB)
364.774 ms (4 allocations: 411.92 MiB)
382.585 ms (4 allocations: 411.92 MiB)
314.088 ms (2 allocations: 137.31 MiB)
8.632 ms (113 allocations: 2.88 KiB

FWIW, Folds.mapreduce can run on CUDA with FoldsCUDA.jl, even without CuArray input, if you pass the executor object to it:

julia> orig_folds(b, n_hat, A, ex = ThreadedEx()) = Folds.mapreduce(+, axes(A,2), ex) do k
           b[k]*cis(  n_hat[1]*A[1, k] + n_hat[2]*A[2, k] + n_hat[3]*A[3, k] )

julia> Threads.nthreads()

julia> @btime orig_folds(b, n_hat, A);
  532.295 ms (2 allocations: 64 bytes)

julia> @btime CUDA.@sync orig_folds(d_b, d_n_hat, transpose(d_A), CUDAEx());
  17.620 ms (12728 allocations: 204.77 KiB)

julia> @btime CUDA.@sync sum( cis.($d_A *$d_n_hat).*$d_b );
  2.843 ms (1089 allocations: 18.00 KiB)

(Side note: adding @inbounds does not improve the performance)

But FoldsCUDA version does not perform well, maybe because it does not implement the reduction in a memory coalesced form (I’m fixing it).