Thank you, I used your broadcast and reduction into CUDA and it works. I will manage the memory to make sure that everything fits on the card.
However, I was looking in discourse, and I found a topic using Folds.jl
. Then, using into my code, it gave me a very good speed up.
For anyone interested, here all benchmarks. The first result is has Folds.jl
and the last with CUDA.
using Libdl
using CUDA
using LinearAlgebra
using Folds
using MappedArrays
orig(b, n_hat, A) = mapreduce(+, axes(A,2)) do k
b[k]*cis(dot(n_hat, A[:,k])) # @view A[:,k] would help a bit
orig_folds(b, n_hat, A) = Folds.mapreduce(+, axes(A,2)) do k
b[k]*cis( n_hat[1]*A[1, k] + n_hat[2]*A[2, k] + n_hat[3]*A[3, k] )
second(b, n_hat, A) = sum(transpose(cis.( sum(repeat(n_hat, 1, size(A,2)).*A, dims=1) )).*b);
cast(b, n_hat, A) = sum(transpose(b) .* cis.(n_hat'*A));
third(b, n_hat, A) = mapreduce((x,y)->x*cis(y), +, transpose(b), (n_hat'*A));
mapped(b, n_hat, A) = sum(mappedarray((x,y)->x*cis(y), transpose(b), (n_hat'*A)));
using BenchmarkTools
function foo(x)
N = ((x^2)÷2 - x÷2)
A = rand(3,N)
b = rand(ComplexF64, N)
n_hat = rand(3)
@btime orig_folds($b, $n_hat, $A)
@btime orig($b, $n_hat, $A)
@btime second($b, $n_hat, $A)
@btime cast($b, $n_hat, $A)
@btime sum(cis.(transpose(($n_hat)' * $A)).*$b) ## I converted this expression to CUDA
@btime third($b, $n_hat, $A)
@btime mapped($b, $n_hat, $A)
d_A = CuArray(transpose(A))
d_b = CuArray(b)
d_n_hat = CuArray(n_hat)
@btime sum( cis.($d_A *$d_n_hat).*$d_b )
return 0
julia> foo(6000)
55.285 ms (65 allocations: 4.22 KiB)
1.701 s (17997000 allocations: 1.88 GiB)
979.636 ms (12 allocations: 1.47 GiB)
374.404 ms (4 allocations: 411.92 MiB)
364.774 ms (4 allocations: 411.92 MiB)
382.585 ms (4 allocations: 411.92 MiB)
314.088 ms (2 allocations: 137.31 MiB)
8.632 ms (113 allocations: 2.88 KiB