I want to sort this by its keys:
5-element Dictionaries.HashDictionary{Int64,Any}
4 │ 0.2199244
2 │ 0.2000908
3 │ 0.19014
5 │ 0.2099752
1 │ 0.1798696
I want to sort this by its keys:
5-element Dictionaries.HashDictionary{Int64,Any}
4 │ 0.2199244
2 │ 0.2000908
3 │ 0.19014
5 │ 0.2099752
1 │ 0.1798696
How did you construct the dictionary? Maybe include code to make it.
For normal Dictionaries
dict = Dict(i => rand() for i in 1:5)
sort(collect(dict), by = x->x[1])
q = 0.2
c = 1.1
p = [0.18, 0.2, 0.19, 0.22, 0.21]
@assert sum(p) == 1
function Y()
return ceil(Int, rand()*5)
# Y()
function X()
while true
y = Y()
if rand() <= (p[y]/(q*c)) # if we use q*c without parens the instability breaks our results.
return y
# X()
n = 10^7
@time a = [X() for i in 1:n]
using SplitApplyCombine
dict = map(x -> length(x)/n, group(a))
Note that Dictionaries.HashDictionary
has no order defined (similar to Dict
), so the question does not make sense.
You can collect key-value pairs in a vector and sort them though, as @xiaodai suggested.
You may also want to look at DataStructures.jl which has a SortedDict
struct, which will handle this for you.
I needed to sort(collect(pairs(d)), by=x->x[1])
. See GitHub - andyferris/Dictionaries.jl: An alternative interface for dictionaries in Julia, for improved productivity and performance .
If someone need to make an ordered dictionary, it is a bit better to sort then create the ordered dictionary.
using OrderedCollections
using BenchmarkTools
unordered = Dict(i => rand() for i = 1:1000)
@btime begin
sorted = OrderedDict(unordered)
# 68.958 μs (24 allocations: 113.55 KiB)
@btime ordered = OrderedDict(sort(collect(unordered), by=x->x[1]))
# 60.121 μs (22 allocations: 112.92 KiB)
You can save an allocation and a little time by sorting the collected vector in place
ordered = OrderedDict(sort!(collect(unordered), by=x->x[1]))
and a slight amount of typing with
ordered = OrderedDict(sort!(collect(unordered), by=first))
using Dictionaries
julia> let d = Dictionary(rand(5), rand(5))
getindices(d, sortperm(keys(d)))
5-element Dictionary{Float64, Float64}
0.3303619285549789 │ 0.6295079531224393
0.6532413238779383 │ 0.25149701734258545
0.74806859304317 │ 0.8964936651264518
0.9116373283422051 │ 0.011738639576267418
0.9131045316602528 │ 0.5310761199500899
In Julia 1.10.4, by simply doing: sort(d, by=first)
, it outputs an OrderedCollections.OrderedDic
d = Dict(1:5 .=> rand(5))
sort(d, by=first)
The package OrderedCollections.jl is not installed.
If the package OrderedCollections
is doing that, that sounds like type piracy. Edit: that’s indeed the case: Type piracy? · Issue #25 · JuliaCollections/OrderedCollections.jl · GitHub