I have some code (copied from the Makie website) to make an animation:
using GLMakie
time = Observable(0.0)
xs = range(0, 7, length=40)
ys_1 = @lift(sin.(xs .- $time))
ys_2 = @lift(cos.(xs .- $time) .+ 3)
fig = lines(xs, ys_1, color = :blue, linewidth = 4,
axis = (title = @lift("t = $(round($time, digits = 1))"),))
scatter!(xs, ys_2, color = :red, markersize = 15)
framerate = 30
timestamps = range(0, 2, step=1/framerate)
record(fig, "time_animation.mp4", timestamps;
framerate = framerate) do t
time[] = t
I run it in VSCode. When the figure is plotted, it appears in my plotting window in VSCode. However, the animation is just saved to a file. How do I make the animation appear in the VSCode plotting window? Also, what do I do if I do not want the animation saved to a file? I tried looking at API, but I couldn’t really figure it out.
I am sorry, I must have overlooked the not in your question.
Nevermind, there is a simpler trick. You can use Observables to trigger re-plotting and wrap this into a for loop. See the first code snippet under the section Animating a plot "live" here: Animations
Anyways, what’s the problem with just opening the animation with a standard video player?
When I am doing investigations, it is just much easier, to run the code, and the animation appear in the same window I have open, as opposed to having to open up a file system, navigate to the folder where it is saved, double click on the animation file, and watch it in another window, and then have to go back to the cading windows to make modifications etc.
To make a live animation, you can either use GLMakie and open a native window, updating your plots via observables in a for loop or so, as was noted above. Or you can use WGLMakie, which can use web contexts to display a javascript-controlled plot, which can also be updated via observables, and the VSCode plot pane happens to be such a web context. But note that WGLMakie is both slower, as well as not as feature complete as GLMakie. For example, currently it still doesn’t have picking which means things that require information about what stuff was clicked on don’t work (but this is being worked on).
Casually, I found an error using WGLMakie to make this animation appear in the VSCode plot pane, and it was related to the VSCode zoom. When it is zommed by default (ctrl+0 in Windows), this following MWE should work.
using Makie, WGLMakie
time = Observable(0.0)
x = range(0,1,100)
y = @lift(sin.(2π*x)*cos(2π*$time))
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(
scatterlines!(x, y)
framerate = 30
timestamps = range(0, 2, step=1/fps)
record(fig, "sim.mp4", timestamps; framerate=framerate) do t
time[] = t