How do I insert a specific string into a BioSequences DNA string?

using BioSequences
julia> a=dna"ATCG"
4nt DNA Sequence:
julia> insert!(a,2,'C')
5nt DNA Sequence:

But if I inserted more than one chars,it will fail.

julia> insert!(a,2,"CG")
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type String to an object of type DNA

julia> insert!(a,2,dna"CG")
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type LongDNASeq to an object of type DNA

How to do to insert a string to a string?Or only by pasting strings,can it be solved?Or insert one by one?Thanks for helping me !

Since insert! isn’t defined over these types, here is one workaround:

using BioSequences


a = a[begin:1] * dna"CG" * a[2:end]

This function might be useful for repeating the task, although it returns a new sequence rather than editing one in place:

function insert_at(original, i, new)
    return original[begin:i-1] * new * original[i:end]