How do I change font and font size in PGFPlotsX?


I am trying to change the font size in this example:

x = range(0; stop =2*pi, length = 100)
@pgf GroupPlot(
        group_style =
            group_size="2 by 1",
            xticklabels_at="edge bottom",
            yticklabels_at="edge left",
            # font_size = "tiny",
    PlotInc(Table(x, sin.(x))),
    PlotInc(Table(x, sin.(x .+ 0.5))),
    PlotInc(Table(x, cos.(x))),
    PlotInc(Table(x, cos.(x .+ 0.5))))

Which produces:


The out-commented part font_size, gives an error. Anyone knows how to?

Kind regards