I’d want to create a animation of a plot that show the changing in the values in the time. Changing the plot charts, ok. But, I want to chance a text content and the scale of x and y axes per i. How I do it? I cannot indexing this code part:
# Graf 2 - Values
ii = @lift Int128.($i)
ii = ii[]
areaMC = df.Fx[ii]
error = dfIntegral.erro[ii]
Δ = dfIntegral.n[ii]
GLMakie.Label(fig[1, 3], "Area: " * string(integralCorreta) * "\nArea MC: " * string(areaMC) * "\nError: " * string(error)* "\nΔA: " * string(Δ))
The result is a static value. How I do it?
Is there another better method to print a text content than “GLMakie.Label()” function?
My code:
using LaTeXStrings
using GLMakie
using DataFrames
# Building dataframe with values
function simulation_data(nSimul, AreaSquare)
df = DataFrame(
x = rand(nSimul) * 10,
y = rand(nSimul) * 100,
Fx = 0.00,
Δy = 0.00,
up_x = -1.00,
up_y = -1.00,
dw_x = -1.00,
dw_y = -1.00,
# df.x .- df.y
#Up or Down of the function y?
df.Fx = df.x .^ 2
df.Δy = df.y .- df.Fx
for i = 1:nSimul
if df.Δy[i] .> 0
df.up_x[i] = df.x[i]
df.up_y[i] = df.y[i]
df.dw_x[i] = df.x[i]
df.dw_y[i] = df.y[i]
contXYdw = nrow(df[df.Δy .<= 0, :])
#Calc integral
integral = (contXYdw / nSimul) * AreaSquare #final
integralCorreta = (10^3) / 3 #by integer equation
#loop for i to generate the steps in a dataframe
dfIntegral = DataFrame(n = 1:nSimul, cont = 0, valor = 0.00, erro = 0.00, Δ = 0.00)
cont = 0
area = 0
for i = 1:nSimul
if df[i, "Δy"] <= 0
cont = cont + 1
area = (cont / i) * AreaSquare
dfIntegral.cont[i] = cont
dfIntegral.valor[i] = area
dfIntegral.erro[i] = area - integralCorreta
if i > 1
dfIntegral.Δ[i] = dfIntegral.valor[i] - dfIntegral.valor[i - 1]
return df, dfIntegral, integralCorreta
# Now, plotting the dataframe per i
function geraPlot(df, dfIntegral, AreaSquare, integralCorreta) #function that update the chart to each i points
#nSimul = 1000; AreaSquare = 10 * 10^2
#df, dfIntegral, integralCorreta = simulation_data(nSimul, AreaSquare)
nSimul = size(df, 1)
i = Observable(1) #Recorder make_animation
fig = Figure()
# Graf 1
ax1 =
fig[1:4, 1] = Axis(
xlabel = L"x",
ylabel = L"f (x)",
xgridstyle = :dash,
ygridstyle = :dash,
title = L"Integral (area) of the function: $f(x)=x^{2}$"
x = 0:10
y = x .^ 2
lines!(x, y; label = L"x^{2}")
#save("im1.png", fig)
fill(0, length(x)),
color = (:blue, 0.4),
label = L"A (x) = \int_0^{10} x^{2}dx",
#save("im2.png", fig)
#choosing points to exibition
up_pts = @lift Point2f.(df.up_x[1:($i)], df.up_y[1:($i)])
dw_pts = @lift Point2f.(df.dw_x[1:($i)], df.dw_y[1:($i)])
scatter!(up_pts, rasterize = true, markersize = 4.0, color = (:gray, 1.0), label = "∉A")
scatter!(dw_pts, rasterize = true, markersize = 4.0, color = (:red, 1.0), label = "∈A")
xlims!(0, 10)
ylims!(0, 100)
#axislegend("Legend"; position = :rt, bgcolor = (:grey90, 0.25))
fig[1, 2] = Legend(fig, ax1, "Legend", bgcolor = (:grey90, 0.25), framevisible = false)
# Graf 2 - Values
ii = @lift Int128.($i)
ii = ii[]
areaMC = df.Fx[ii]
error = dfIntegral.erro[ii]
Δ = dfIntegral.n[ii]
GLMakie.Label(fig[1, 3], "Area: " * string(integralCorreta) * "\nArea MC: " * string(areaMC) * "\nError: " * string(error)* "\nΔA: " * string(Δ))
# Graf 3 - Integral Result x nSimulation
valor_pts = @lift Point2f.(dfIntegral.n[1:($i)], dfIntegral.valor[1:($i)])
ax3 = fig[2, 2:3] = Axis(fig, title = "Integral value (A)" )
xlims!(0, nSimul + 10)
A_yMax = AreaSquare
A_yMin = 0
ylims!(A_yMin, A_yMax)
# Graf 4 - Erro x nSimulation
erro_pts = @lift Point2f.(dfIntegral.n[1:($i)], dfIntegral.erro[1:($i)])
ax4 = Axis(fig[3, 2:3], title = "Erro")
xlims!(0, nSimul + 10)
er_yMax = maximum(dfIntegral.erro)
er_yMin = minimum(dfIntegral.erro)
ylims!(er_yMin, er_yMax)
# Graf - Δ Resultado x nSimulation
Δ_pts = @lift Point2f.(dfIntegral.n[1:($i)], dfIntegral.Δ[1:($i)])
ax5 = Axis(fig[4, 2:3], title = "Δ = A(i) - A(i-1)", xlabel = "n points")
xlims!(0, nSimul + 10)
Δ_yMax = maximum(dfIntegral.Δ)
Δ_yMin = minimum(dfIntegral.Δ)
ylims!(Δ_yMin, Δ_yMax)
return fig, i
function make_animation(output_filename, nSimul = 100, AreaSquare = 10 * 10^2)
df, dfIntegral, integralCorreta = simulation_data(nSimul, AreaSquare)
figure, index = geraPlot(df, dfIntegral, AreaSquare, integralCorreta)
record(figure, output_filename, 1:nSimul; framerate = 50) do i
index[] = i
make_animation("test.gif", 100)