Makie force update, refresh, or redraw of figure or screen

i programmatically update the text of a Label and it is not reliably shown. simple cases work fine, and i’m having trouble coming up with an MWE that shows this bad behavior, but the structure of my production code is sth like the below. is there a function which will forcefully redraw a figure, with all the latest changes?

using GLMakie

f1 = Figure();
l = Label(f1[1,1], "0")
display(GLMakie.Screen(), f1)

f2 = Figure();
n = Observable(0)
pts = lift(n) do n
scatter(f2[1,1], pts)
display(GLMakie.Screen(), f2)

Record(f2, 1:10; format="mp4") do i
    n[] = i
    l.text[] = string(i)  # here is the update to Label
    #sleep(0.5) or yield() or notify(viewport(f)) here sometimes work, othertimes not