How can I register/align shifted image stacks?

If you just need translation, I’d recommend the pure-Julia register_translate:

julia> using RegisterMismatch

help?> register_translate
search: register_translate

  shift = register_translate(fixed, moving, maxshift, [thresh]) computes the integer-valued translation which best aligns images fixed and moving. All shifts up to size maxshift are considered.
  Optionally specify thresh, the fraction (0<=thresh<=1) of overlap required between fixed and moving (default 0.25).

You’ll want to add HolyLabRegistry (as a registry, not a package) to get it.

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@tim.holy, I tried instructions you listed for windows, but stack at ]registry add as follows:

(@v1.7) pkg> registry add
     Cloning registry from ""
Private key location for '' [C:\Users\fff00\.ssh\id_rsa]:

and it fails at three attempts.

Use https, not git. (You need commit privileges for git.) How can I register/align shifted image stacks? - #7 by tim.holy

it worked, Thanks.