How can I prevent the memory distributed in Julia?

I want to use julia to write a code parallel reading data from txt file and saved into a big matrix.
However, I found the matrix seems to be distributed to each CPU and I need each CPU to be tremedous big. How can I prevent the matrix to be distributed?

This is the code

using DelimitedFiles
using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics
using JLD
N = 2120;
ins_force = zeros(N,3,5000);
Force = zeros(N,3,5000,3);
Threads.@threads for i = 1:3
    start = time()
    file = readdlm(string("Force",5000*(i-1),".txt"))
    index = 1;
    idx = 1;
    while idx < size(file,1)
        ins_force[:,:,index] = file[idx+1:idx+N,:];
        index = index+1;
        idx = idx +N+1;
    time_end =time()
    Force[:,:,:,i] = ins_force;

I can use the cell and cell2mat to realize this by code

%% compute ins force
N = 2120;
list = dir(['./Force*'])
n = size(list,1)
index = 1;
Force = cell(1,1,200);
parfor i = 1:200
    A = textread(['./Force',num2str(5000*(i-1)),'.txt']);
    index = 1
    Force_temp= zeros(N,3,5000);
    idx = 1;
    while idx < size(A,1)
        Force_temp(:,:,index) = A(idx+1:idx+N,:);
        index = index+1;
        idx = idx +N+1;
    Force{1,1,i} = Force_temp;
Force = cell2mat(Force);

please use triple ` to wrap your code:

like this

Thank you for your suggestion

Your question is a little unclear to me. Do you want your code to be multithreaded or not multithreaded? Regular Julia matrices are not distributed and all memory is visible to all CPUs when using threads.

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I want the code to be multithreaded. The point is when the same code is running (Julia and Matlab do the almost similar things.). The Julia will Out of Memory. It seems to me that the Matrix is distributed? Maybe I have some misunderstanding for it. But is there other reasons to make the Julia code Out of Memory, for one or two prcessor?

This code is not thread-safe: ins_force is defnied outside of the multithreaded part, but used inside without accounting for the thread-loop index i.
Note that the Matlab version does not have this issue, there Force_temp is defined inside the parfor loop.
Furthermore, this code should be wrapped in a function to avoid usage of global variables, which are type-unstable.


Thank you for your useful suggestions!
Does this seems to be thread_save now?
I am a new parallel user. Iā€™m not sure how to make it safe in Julia.

using DelimitedFiles
using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics
using JLD
N = 2120;
Force = zeros(N,3,5000,3);

function readtxt(i)
    ins_force = zeros(N,3,5000);
    file = readdlm(string("Force",5000*(i-1),".txt"))
    index = 1;
    idx = 1;
    start =time()
    while idx < size(file,1)
        ins_force[:,:,index] = file[idx+1:idx+N,:];
        index = index+1;
        idx = idx +N+1;
    time_end =time()
    return ins_force
Threads.@threads for i = 1:3
    Force[:,:,:,i] = readtxt(i);

Yes. In addition you should define N either as const or as a function parameter to make your inner loop also type-stable.
Maybe this already solves your memory issues?


OK. I will have a try!

Thanks a lot.

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