How can I get a fully-specified type of a `Dict`?

Hi all,

I’m working in a package where the user provides a Dict that is never changed by my package. While I know the structure of the entries, I do not know the which types it contains. Is there a way to “convert” a poorly typed dict in a fully specified one for optimal performance?

A simplified example would look like this. A user provides d1:

d1 = Dict{Any, Vector}()
d1[3] = [(1, "aaa"), (2, "aaa")]
d1[5] = [(1, "aaa"), (2.4, :bbb), (5.4, :bbb)]

d1 is not fully specified. The fully-specified version of it is much faster but harder to write and less convenient for the user:

d2 = Dict{Int,
          Vector{Union{Tuple{Int, String},
                       Tuple{Float64, Symbol}}}}()  # a rather complicated type
d2[3] = [(1, "aaa"), (2, "aaa")]
d2[5] = [(1, "aaa"), (2.4, :bbb), (5.4, :bbb)]

So I’m looking for something that translates d1 into d2:

d2 = make_stable_immutable_dict(d1) # <- no idea how to do this

I’d be happy for any hints and ideas!

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Your first issue is gonna be that the type of your values is not fully inferred. This is an optimization sometimes done by Julia instead of dealing with weird Unions:

julia> [(1, "aaa"), (2.4, :bbb), (5.4, :bbb)]
3-element Vector{Tuple{Real, Any}}:
 (1, "aaa")
 (2.4, :bbb)
 (5.4, :bbb)

But if you solve that, broadcasting the identity mapping is a good way to refine type inference:

julia> x = Any[1, 2.0]
2-element Vector{Any}:

julia> identity.(x)
2-element Vector{Real}:

With a dictionary, here’s how it would work:

julia> Dict(identity.(keys(d1)) .=> identity.(values(d1)))
Dict{Int64, Vector} with 2 entries:
  5 => Tuple{Real, Any}[(1, "aaa"), (2.4, :bbb), (5.4, :bbb)]
  3 => [(1, "aaa"), (2, "aaa")]

As a generalization of @gdalle’s answer, I sometimes find it useful to do this recursively:

tighten(x) = x
tighten(d::Dict) = Dict(tighten(key) => tighten(value) for (key, value) in d)
tighten(v::Vector) = tighten.(v)

It gives the same answer in your example:

julia> d2 = tighten(d1)
Dict{Int64, Vector} with 2 entries:
  5 => Tuple{Real, Any}[(1, "aaa"), (2.4, :bbb), (5.4, :bbb)]
  3 => [(1, "aaa"), (2, "aaa")]

but if there were more deeply nested data structures, it could have made a difference. This is particularly useful when deserializing data from a format that loses type information, such as JSON.


Thanks a lot @gdalle and @ffevotte!
The recursive version is I exactly what would need in the real case.

Is there a way to force Julia to infer the types with Unions?

I can see that the would be too costly in general, but for my application the manual version with Unions is much faster.

If your code needs to do a lot of work for each entry of the Dict, then consider using a function barrier like this:

   for (k,v) in d1

and then later

   function do_the_work(k,v)

The main routine still needs to pay the price for deciphering the types of k and v at run-time. But do_the_work will get specialized and compiled separately for each different type of k and v.

Open a new topic for that IMO.

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