How can I extend a GridPosition?

I have plot with multiple subplots, each of it is a GridPosition.

f = Figure(resolution = (1200, 1400))
    ga = f[1, 1]
    gc = f[2, 1]
    ge = f[3, 1]
    gg = f[4, 1]
    gb = f[1, 2]
    gd = f[2, 2]
    gf = f[3, 2]
    gh = f[4, 2]

How can I extend the green area toward the red area?

Please read

And make an MWE - it’s pretty much impossible to help here as it’s not even clear which package(s) you are using.

All sub GridLayouts have alignmode = Inside() by default, which means they place their inner content along the column lines and put the protrusion content in the gaps. Your red marked empty space is a result of that, the green plot has nothing to put in the gaps but the adjacent gridlayouts reserve that space. So you need to make the other ones not reserve the space. You can do that for example by setting subgrid.alignmode = Outside(0) which will treat all content as inner content basically, including the protrusions. Or if only some sides should have the treatment you can use Mixed instead and specify the sides yourself.