How can I access my \\wsl$\Ubuntu files with joinpath() in pluto notebooks?

I want to access my files from wsl ubuntu but this format of code has syntax error only resolved by removing “$”, but that probably would cause Windows to fail accessing to my Ubuntu files.

HOME = joinpath(ENV[“HOME”], “//wsl$/Ubuntu/home/…”);

Can it be resolved by installing julia to my wsl ubuntu? Or is it possible to access wsl files from Windows with joinpath somehow I couldn’t manage to find.

Thanks in advance.

when using a raw string, you dont get probelms with “$” anymore.

julia> HOME = joinpath("//wsl$/Ubuntu/home")
ERROR: ParseError:
# Error @ REPL[34]:1:24
HOME = joinpath("//wsl$/Ubuntu/home")
#                      └ ── identifier or parenthesized expression expected after $ in string
 [1] top-level scope
   @ none:1

julia> HOME = joinpath(raw"//wsl$/Ubuntu/home")


Or you could escape the $: "//wsl\$/Ubuntu/home"

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