Which is why I don’t understand how I might be getting lower precision results although the only literals I’m using are 0
, 1
, 2
, 3
, and 0.5
To encourage anyone willing to look at my code, here are the relevant structs and functions, with all Pluto and plotting stuff stripped away:
struct Region
A::Vector{BigFloat} # point set A
B::Vector{BigFloat} # point set B
width::BigFloat # largest (a, b) distance
function Region(A::Vector{BigFloat}, B::Vector{BigFloat})
width::BigFloat = maximum([abs(a-b) for a ∈ A, b ∈ B])
return new(sort(A), sort(B), width)
struct ICPConstruction
A::Vector{BigFloat} # point set A
B::Vector{BigFloat} # point set B
δ::BigFloat # largest (a, b) distance within any region
"Assembles full ICP construction with A and B point sets (vectors)."
function ICPConstruction(regions::Vector{Region})
# extract, concatenate, and sort overall A and B from regions
A = reduce(vcat, map(r -> r.A, regions)) |> sort
B = reduce(vcat, map(r -> r.B, regions)) |> sort
δ = reduce(vcat, map(r -> r.width, regions)) |> maximum
return new(regions, A, B, δ)
function add_region(c::ICPConstruction, new::Region)::ICPConstruction
δ::BigFloat = maximum([c.δ, new.width])
min_old::BigFloat = minimum(vcat(c.A, c.B))
max_new::BigFloat = maximum(vcat(new.A, new.B))
shift::BigFloat = abs(min_old - max_new) + 3δ + 1
A′ = new.A .- shift
B′ = new.B .- shift
regions = vcat(c.regions, Region(A′, B′))
return ICPConstruction(regions)
function AugmentedLinearShifter(n::BigInt)::ICPConstruction
# width of augmented linear shifter is (2n + 1)ℓ - 1 / k^n
k::BigInt = 3n + 2
ℓ::BigFloat = sum([1 / k^j for j ∈ 0:n])
# Define A
A::Vector{BigFloat} = [-2i * ℓ for i ∈ 0:n]
# Define B
b₀::BigFloat = 0.0
b(i) = sum([1 / k^j for j ∈ 0:i-1])
bᵢ::Vector{BigFloat} = [b(i) for i ∈ 1:n]
B::Vector{BigFloat} = vcat(b₀, bᵢ)
# Define Linear Shifter
linear_shifter = Region(A, B)
return ICPConstruction([linear_shifter])
struct Redirector
regions::Tuple{Region, Region}
A::Vector{BigFloat} # A₁ ∪ A₂
B::Vector{BigFloat} # B₁ ∪ B₂
function Redirector(v::BigFloat, y::BigFloat, k::BigInt)
# Region 1
a::BigFloat = 0.5k * v - y # a is y to the left of the (b₁ b₂) midpoint
b₁::BigFloat = 0.0
b₂::BigFloat = k * v
A₁ = [a]
B₁ = [b₁, b₂]
R₁ = Region(A₁, B₁)
# Region 2
a′::BigFloat = 0.0
A₂ = [a′]
B₂ = [a′ + 0.5]
R₂ = Region(A₂, B₂)
regions = (R₁, R₂)
A = reduce(vcat, map(r -> r.A, regions)) |> sort
B = reduce(vcat, map(r -> r.B, regions)) |> sort
return new((R₁, R₂), A, B, v, y)
function icp1d(construction::ICPConstruction; k = big"0")
A::Vector{BigFloat} = copy(construction.A)
B::Vector{BigFloat} = copy(construction.B)
t::BigFloat = 0.0
correspondences::Vector{Int64} = []
for a ∈ A
neighbor = argmin(abs.(B .- a))
push!(correspondences, neighbor)
# Remember transformations for visualization
ts::Vector{BigFloat} = []
cs::Vector{Vector{Int64}} = []
while true
# remember iteration state for visualization
push!(ts, t)
push!(cs, copy(correspondences))
# find nearest neighbours
BNeighbours = @view B[correspondences]
# calculate mean for each point cloud
a0::BigFloat = k == 0 ? mean(A) : sum(A) / k
b0::BigFloat = k == 0 ? mean(BNeighbours) : sum(BNeighbours) / k
# compute transformations
t = b0 - a0
A .+= t
# compute new correspondences
correspondences = []
for a ∈ A
neighbor = argmin(abs.(B .- a))
push!(correspondences, neighbor)
# terminate if nearest neighbours don't change
if correspondences == cs[end]
push!(ts, t)
return ts, cs
function run_full_construction(n::BigInt)
k::BigInt = 3n + 2
ℓ::BigFloat = sum([1 / k^j for j ∈ 0:n])
construction = AugmentedLinearShifter(n);
redirectors = [Redirector(ℓ + 1, (2i + 1)ℓ, k) for i ∈ 0:n-1]
redirector_regions = map(r -> collect(r.regions), redirectors) |> Iterators.flatten |> collect
for region ∈ redirector_regions
construction = add_region(construction, region)
# determine kickoff translation
x₁::BigFloat = icp1d(construction, k=k)[1][2]
a′::BigFloat = big"0.0"
b′::BigFloat = a′ + (1.0 - x₁)k
kicker_region = Region([a′], [b′])
# complete construction with kicker region
construction = add_region(construction, kicker_region)
@assert length(construction.A) == k "k must equal |A|"
# run ICP on fill construction
translations, correspondences = icp1d(construction)
return construction, translations, correspondences
The ICP algorithm is run via
n::BigInt = 4
construction, t, c = run_full_construction(n);
and length(t)
gives the number of iterations.
If anyone can glance where in this code some low precision computation could’ve sneaked in, I’d be very curious to find out indeed. Everything is BigFloat
or BigInt
(except one use of Int64
for indices), and literals are only the aforementioned integers and 0.5
, none of which should induce imprecision as far as I can tell.