I have discrete data sampled at a constant rate. I need the first, second, and third derivatives with respect to time. Is there a Julia package that could help me do that? Things that I’ve considered so far:
Use finite differences from either FiniteDiff.jl or FiniteDifferences.jl, but both appear to differentiate Julia functions, not discrete data.
Recursively use spline interpolation and then differentiate the spline. That led me to a discontinuous second derivative, which is no good.
Use ApproxFun.jl, but that again seems to work only for continuous functions, not discrete data.
You could take derivatives using a Gaussian Process regression, if you select a differentiable kernel. You could the Gaussian process julia package to do the regression.
A simpler basis would be polynomial, which we could get using ApproxFun:
using ApproxFun
function vandermonde(S,n,x::AbstractVector)
V=Array{Float64, 2}(undef, length(x), n)
for k=1:n
dom = domain(Fun(identity,minimum(x)..maximum(x)))
k = 9 # polynomial order
order = 3 # derivative order
g = Derivative(dom,order) * f
plot(x,-8 .* v, label="Exact")
scatter!(x, g.(x), label="ApproxFun", legend=:bottomright)
This is the least-squares fit of the data used in this thread using the Taylor polynomial. ApproxFun has a bunch of other bases. ApproxFun also includes piecewise domains for combining multiple bases, which you may be able to use if the data is piecewise continuous and you apply a change-detection algorithm.
As an aside, regarding piecewise continuous data, e.g., jump discontinuities, I just found a really nice julia package: NoiseRobustDifferentiation. It’s based off of work from Rick Chartrand (a Los Alamos researcher):
Rick Chartrand, “Numerical differentiation of noisy, nonsmooth data,” ISRN Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2011, Article ID 164564, 2011.
A while back I was interested in real-time numerical differentiation for nonlinear systems using embedded controllers. At the time, I developed a variant of the numerical differentiator described in:
M. Mboup, C. Join, and M. Fliess, “Numerical differentiation with annihilators in noisy environment.” Numerical Algorithms, 50 (4), 439–467, 2009.
There’s a nice python/Matlab BSD-licensed implementation of these algebraic differentiators here. I didn’t see an implementation in julia. I may end up translating it because it allows for explicitly setting the low-pass characteristics of the differentiator at higher frequencies. This is useful if you want as output a causal LTI filter with coefficients that could implement for real-time use.
Numerical differentiation is a very interesting rabbit hole with so many ways of attacking the problem, each with its own advantages / disadvantages.