Need help implementing the oracle from Deutsch’s Algorithm in Yao.jl
Anyone has any ideas on how to do this? Any type of help will be appreciated
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Deutsch–Josza or just Deutsch as its special case?
Just the Deutsch algorithm!
using Yao, YaoExtensions, YaoPlots, StatsBase
circuit0 = chain(2)
circuit1 = chain(2, control(1, 2=>X))
circuit2 = chain(2, control(1, 2=>X), put(2=>X))
circuit3 = chain(2, put(2=>X))
circuit = [circuit0 circuit1 circuit2 circuit3]
ra = rand(1:4)
result = ArrayReg(bit"10") |> chain(2,repeat(H,1:2), put(1:2=>circuit[ra]),put(1=>H)) |> r->measure(r, 1, nshots=1000)
res = fit(Histogram, Int.(result), 0:2)
answer = res.weights[1]==0 ? “Balanced” : “Constant”
Better implementations are welcome as answer!
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