Help with Interact and Jupyter notebook

I am new to Julia and have been trying to run Interact but it seems that Interact is not able to generate widgets on my machine.

I did the following steps:

  • Install Julia
  • Pkg.add(“IJulia”)
  • Pkg.add(“Interact”)
  • Pkg.add(“WebIO”)
  • Run WebIO.install_jupyter_nbextension()
  • Run a Jupyter notebook.

The following screenshot shows the error I get - truncated for brevity. Any ideas what is going wrong?

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Hi and welcome!,

This is not an answer to your problem, but a recommendation to use Pluto.jl, which is an amazing package to create julia notebooks.


Thanks, I will try it out.

I did manage to resolve it. For someone else facing this issue, I did a complete uninstall (complete wipe-out) and install and it worked.

For anaconda, I uninstalled it by removing all configuration files etc. I followed Option B in the link below:

For Julia:

  • I deleted the installation
  • Deleted the .julia folder in C:\Users<username>.julia
  • Deleted registry associated with Julia
  • Deleted Julia folder in C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia 1.5.2
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