Hello all,
Relatively new to BifurcationKit (I have used other continuation software in the past). I’ve been able to get a 2D system (quite similar to the 3D system I’m having trouble with) to work, so any help or advice would be welcome.
The sample code is:
using Revise
using Plots, Setfield
using BifurcationKit
const BK = BifurcationKit
# vector field
function ODE_3D(u, p)
K1,K2,K3,K4,K5,Tr_mom,Tr_cyt,x_tot,y_tot) = p
x, y, z = u
out = similar(u)
out[1] = A1 - B1*x + mu12*K1/(K1 + y) + Tr_mom*(x_tot - x) - Tr_cyt*x
out[2] = A2 - B2*y + mu21*K2/(K2 + x) + Tr_mom*(y_tot - y) - Tr_cyt*y
out[3] = A3 - B3*z + mu31*x/(K3 + x) + mu32*K4/(K4 + y) - mu33*z^2/(K5^2 + z^2)
# Model parameters
params = (A1 = 0, A2 = 9127.71, A3 = 44178.2,
B1 = 0.5796, B2 = 0.1205, B3 = 0.347,
mu12 = 2.76873, mu21 = 2.14908, mu31 = 0.586803, mu32 = 0.907841, mu33 = 2.13773,
K1 = 0.0615, K2 = 0.0615, K3 = 0.0116, K4 = 0.0219, K5 = 0.0143,
Tr_mom = 1.16e-2, Tr_cyt = 1.16e-3, x_tot = 16850, y_tot = 7000)
record3D(x, p; k...) = (x = x[1], y = x[2], z = x[3])
# Initial conditions
u0 = [329.9683, 69104.8357, 127310.2278];
prob = BifurcationProblem(ODE_3D, u0, params, (@optic _.A1); record_from_solution = record3D)
# Continuation parameters
opts_br = ContinuationPar(
dsmin = 1e-9, # Minimum step size
dsmax = 1e-3, # Maximum step size
ds = 1e-6, # Initial step size
p_min = 0.0, # Minimum value of the parameter
p_max = 100.0, # Maximum value of the parameter
max_steps = 1e6, # Maximum number of continuation steps
tol_stability = 1e-12, # Tolerance for stability computation
detect_fold = true, # Detect fold bifurcations
detect_bifurcation = 1 # Number of bifurcation detection methods
br = continuation(prob, PALC(), opts_br, bothside = true, normC = norminf)
The following error is generated
MethodError: no method matching iterate_from_two_points(::ContIterable{BifurcationKit.EquilibriumCont, BifurcationProblem{BifFunction{typeof(ODE_3D), BifurcationKit.var"#8#24", Nothing, BifurcationKit.var"#6#22", Nothing, BifurcationKit.var"#11#28"{BifurcationKit.var"#d1Fad#26"}, BifurcationKit.var"#13#30", BifurcationKit.var"#15#32", BifurcationKit.var"#17#34", Bool, Float64}, Vector{Float64}, @NamedTuple{A1::Int64, A2::Int64, A3::Int64, B1::Float64, B2::Float64, B3::Float64, mu12::Float64, mu21::Float64, mu31::Float64, mu32::Float64, mu33::Float64, K1::Float64, K2::Float64, K3::Float64, K4::Float64, K5::Float64, Tr_mom::Float64, Tr_cyt::Float64, x_tot::Int64, y_tot::Int64}, PropertyLens{:A1}, typeof(BifurcationKit.plot_default), typeof(record3D), typeof(BifurcationKit.save_solution_default)}, PALC{Secant, MatrixBLS{DefaultLS}, Float64, BifurcationKit.DotTheta{BifurcationKit.var"#279#281", BifurcationKit.var"#280#282"}}, Float64, DefaultLS, DefaultEig{typeof(real)}, typeof(norminf), typeof(BifurcationKit.finalise_default), typeof(BifurcationKit.cb_default), Nothing}, ::Vector{Float64}, ::Int64, ::Vector{Float64}, ::Float64; _verbosity::UInt8)
Closest candidates are:
iterate_from_two_points(::ContIterable, ::Any, ::T, ::Any, ::T; _verbosity) where T
@ BifurcationKit ~/.julia/packages/BifurcationKit/KwA2l/src/Continuation.jl:382
I’ve tried a number of fixes without any success
- Perform the continuation in one direction
- Use the default continuation parameters
- Alternative continuation algorithms
- I’ve checked that the continuation is close to the steady state