I’m attempting to learn a bit about how to read the output of @code_warntype
If I have a function like
function myGlob(pattern::Regex, to_search::Vector{String})::Vector{String}
Something similar to glob
m = [match(pattern, str) for str in to_search]
return to_search[m .!= nothing]
Running @code_warntype on this, I get
@code_warntype myGlob(r"a", readdir())
2 1 ─ %1 = %new(getfield(Main, Symbol("##9#10")){Regex}, glob_regex)::getfield(Main, Symbol("##9#10")){Regex} │
│ %2 = %new(Base.Generator{Array{String,1},getfield(Main, Symbol("##9#10")){Regex}}, %1, vec_of_strings)::Base.Generator{Array{String,1},getfield(Main, Symbol("##9#10")){Regex}}
│ %3 = invoke Base.collect(%2::Base.Generator{Array{String,1},getfield(Main, Symbol("##9#10")){Regex}})::AbstractArray │
3 │ %4 = Base.Broadcast.materialize::Core.Compiler.Const(Base.Broadcast.materialize, false) │
│ %5 = Main.:!=::Core.Compiler.Const(!=, false) │
│ %6 = %new(Base.RefValue{Nothing}, nothing)::Base.RefValue{Nothing} ││╻╷╷╷ broadcastable
│ %7 = (Base.Broadcast.combine_styles)(%3, %6)::Any │╻ broadcasted
│ %8 = (Base.Broadcast.broadcasted)(%7, %5, %3, %6)::Any ││
│ %9 = (%4)(%8)::Any │
│ %10 = (Base.getindex)(vec_of_strings, %9)::Any │
│ %11 = (Base.convert)(Array{String,1}, %10)::Any │
│ (Core.typeassert)(%11, Array{String,1}) │
│ %13 = π (%11, Array{String,1}) │
└── return %13
I gather that the blue ::Array{String,1}
at the top is probably good, but there are a couple red ::Any
s in there, as well as a red ::AbstractArray
What exactly do they mean, and is there way to make them better? Should I try to make them better?