Lately I’ve learned a lot from all of you guys on the forum on how to write performant code and reduce allocs/type instabilities, which has been really nice. I have a case where I want to save a lot of simulation date each N time steps, which is why I need my special solution instead of WriteVTK
which is an absolutely beautiful library.
The code I have right now as testing is included here:
Current code, click to open
using XML
using XML: Document, Declaration, Element, Text
using StaticArrays
### Functions=================================================
# Function to create a DataArray element for VTK files
function create_data_array_element(name::String, data::AbstractVector{T}, offset::Int) where T
# Create the DataArray elements
dataarray = Element("DataArray")
# Set attributes based on the input vector's type
dataarray.attributes["type"] = string(eltype(first(data)))
dataarray.attributes["Name"] = name
dataarray.attributes["NumberOfComponents"] = string(Int(sizeof(first(data))/sizeof(eltype(first(data)))))
dataarray.attributes["format"] = "appended"
dataarray.attributes["offset"] = string(offset)
return dataarray
# Points = [SVector{3,Float64}(1,2,3), SVector{3,Float64}(4,5,6)]
# Kernel = Float64.([100, 200])
# KernelGradient = [SVector{3,Float64}(-1,1,0), SVector{3,Float64}(1,-1,0)]
N = 6195
Points = rand(SVector{3,Float64},N) * 10
Kernel = rand(Float64,N) * 1000
KernelGradient = rand(SVector{3,Float64},N) * 100
function PolyDataTemplate(filename::String, points, variable_names, args...)
# Generate the XML document and then put in some fixed values
xml_doc = Document(Declaration(version=1.0,encoding="utf-8"))
vtk_file = Element("VTKFile")
vtk_file.attributes["type"] = "PolyData"
vtk_file.attributes["version"] = "1.0"
vtk_file.attributes["byte_order"] = "LittleEndian"
vtk_file.attributes["header_type"] = "UInt64"
# PolyData is the main section, filling it out
polydata = Element("PolyData")
piece = Element("Piece")
N = length(points)
piece.attributes["NumberOfPoints"] = string(N)
# This Points element and its associated DataArray has to be constructed individually
points_element = Element("Points")
point_dataarray = create_data_array_element("Points",points,0)
point_dataarray["offset"] = 0
# Generate appended data element
appendeddata = Element("AppendedData")
appendeddata.attributes["encoding"] = "raw"
# Start writing the file and generating the correct dataarrays with the right offsets in the loop
NB = 0
io = IOBuffer()
UncompressedHeaderN = N * length(first(points)) * sizeof(typeof(first(points)))
NB += write(io, UncompressedHeaderN)
NB += write(io, points)
# Generate XML tags for kwargs data
pointdata = Element("PointData")
dataarrays = Vector{XML.Node}(undef,length(args))
for i in eachindex(args)
arg = args[i]
dataarrays[i] = create_data_array_element(variable_names[i],arg,NB)
A = typeof(first(arg))
T = eltype(A)
Ni = length(arg)
Tsz = sizeof(T)
Nc = Int( sizeof(A) / Tsz )
HowManyBytes = Tsz*Nc*Ni + Tsz
NB += HowManyBytes
write(io, NB)
write(io, arg)
# Take the result from the buffer, turn to string and write it
v = take!(io)
t = Text(String(v))
# Glue all xml pieces together
map(x -> push!(pointdata,x), dataarrays)
save_location = raw"E:\SPH\TestOfFile.vtp"
d = @report_opt target_modules=(@__MODULE__,) PolyDataTemplate(save_location, Points, ["Kernel", "KernelGradient"], Kernel, KernelGradient)
@profview PolyDataTemplate(save_location, Points, ["Kernel", "KernelGradient"], Kernel, KernelGradient)
b = @benchmark PolyDataTemplate($save_location, $Points, $(["Kernel", "KernelGradient"]), $Kernel, $KernelGradient)
@code_warntype PolyDataTemplate(save_location, Points, ["Kernel", "KernelGradient"], Kernel, KernelGradient)
PolyDataTemplate(save_location, Points, ["Kernel", "KernelGradient"], Kernel, KernelGradient)
It outputs the following which can be visualized in ParaView:
I have tested my solution up against WriteVTK
in some production code and found that my CustomVTP is indeed faster:
The code snippet I’ve included I checked up against the usual suspects here are the results for my machine:
@report_opt target_modules=(@__MODULE__,)
No errors detected
@benchmark PolyDataTemplate($save_location, $Points, $(["Kernel", "KernelGradient"]), $Kernel, $KernelGradient)
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 315 samples with 1 evaluation.
Range (min … max): 13.444 ms … 21.689 ms ┊ GC (min … max): 0.00% … 0.00%
Time (median): 15.613 ms ┊ GC (median): 0.00%
Time (mean ± σ): 15.856 ms ± 1.084 ms ┊ GC (mean ± σ): 0.28% ± 2.11%
▅▇ ▃▅█▇▁▄▃▁▂
▃▁▃▄▁▁▁▃▄▄▄▆▇██▇█████████▇▇▆█▇▆▄▆▄▃▃▃▄▄▃▃▃▄▃▁▁▃▁▁▃▁▁▃▁▃▁▁▁▃ ▄
13.4 ms Histogram: frequency by time 19.9 ms <
Memory estimate: 606.35 KiB, allocs estimate: 387.
I’ve only found through @profview
some GC call I can’t seem to understand / remove:
Any suggestions/help is appreciated
Kind regards