Help improving the speed of a DataFrames operation

Do you mean

cons_time_blocks = [1:2; 3:4; ...; 997:998; 999:1000]
flow_time_blocks = [1:3; 4:6,;...; 996:999; 1000:1000]

As in, these ranges are vcated together?

Please produce an MWE so I can help debug the join.

In particular, try to reproduce the scenario that made VSCode freeze during the join

@pdeffebach: As in, these ranges are vcat ed together?

No, its a Vector{UnitRange{Int}}, i.e., tjme blocks are ranges, and the cons_time_blocks and flow_time_blocks variables are vectors of time blocks.

Please produce an MWE so I can help debug the join.

Done. I have separated 4 strategies mentioned before:

  • โ€œCurrent bestโ€, which uses Tables.rows and idx = findall
  • โ€œAlso decentโ€, which uses Tables.rows and the more traditional @view
  • โ€œOlder strategyโ€, which uses a variation of the early strategy that I mentioned
  • โ€œLeftjoin strategyโ€, which tries leftjoin with @chain

The data is in GitHub - abelsiqueira/TulipaEnergyModel.jl, branch mwe-discourse, file mwe.jl. It might be easier to simply clone.
Here are the cloning steps on linux:

cd $(mktemp -d)
git clone .
git checkout mwe-discourse
julia --project
pkg> instantiate
julia> include("mwe.jl")

This will print instruction and the timing on the โ€œTinyโ€ data:

Current best:
  0.001040 seconds (13.03 k allocations: 1005.875 KiB)
Also decent:
  0.001191 seconds (16.63 k allocations: 1.159 MiB)
Older strategy
  0.003551 seconds (282.17 k allocations: 12.629 MiB)
Leftjoin strategy
  0.023693 seconds (99.80 k allocations: 8.522 MiB, 84.62% gc time)

You change search for input_dir in the file, and comment out the line with the โ€œEUโ€ path. The output for me are:

Current best:
 99.465536 seconds (4.59 M allocations: 2.132 GiB, 0.17% gc time)
Also decent:
100.750630 seconds (5.93 M allocations: 2.181 GiB, 0.44% gc time)
Older strategy
# Gave up after maybe 15 minutes

The leftjoin strategy simply kills my VSCode or my terminal after ~1 minute.

Try this new method (not based on join):

function add_incoming_term!(df_cons, df_flows)
    Tmin = min(minimum(first.(df_flows.time_block)),minimum(first.(df_cons.time_block)))
    Tmax = max(maximum(last.(df_flows.time_block)),maximum(last.(df_cons.time_block)))
	Tspan = Tmin:Tmax
	nT = length(Tspan)

	pre_incoming = Vector{AffExpr}(undef, nT)
	df_cons.incoming_term .= AffExpr(0.0)

	g_flows = groupby(df_flows, [:rp, :to])
	g_cons = groupby(df_cons, [:rp, :asset])

	for ((rp, to), sdf) in pairs(g_cons)
		haskey(g_flows, (;rp, to)) || continue
		pre_incoming .= AffExpr(0.0)
		for row in eachrow(g_flows[(;rp, to)]), t in row.time_block
			pre_incoming[t-Tmin+1] += row.flow * 3.14 * rp
		for row in eachrow(sdf)
			row.incoming_term = sum(pre_incoming[t-Tmin+1] for 
			  t in row.time_block; init=AffExpr(0.0))

Use it intuitively as:

julia> add_incoming_term!(df_cons, df_flows)

julia> df_cons
8ร—5 DataFrame
 Row โ”‚ asset   rp     time_block  index  incoming_term                     
     โ”‚ String  Int64  UnitRangeโ€ฆ  Int64  AffExpr                           
   1 โ”‚ p1          1  1:3             1  0
   2 โ”‚ p1          1  4:6             2  0
   3 โ”‚ p1          2  1:6             3  0
   4 โ”‚ p2          1  1:6             4  0
   5 โ”‚ p2          2  1:6             5  0
   6 โ”‚ d           1  1:4             6  9.42 flow[(p1,d), 1, 1:3] + 6.28โ€ฆ
   7 โ”‚ d           1  5:6             7  6.28 flow[(p1,d), 1, 4:6] + 6.28โ€ฆ
   8 โ”‚ d           2  1:6             8  37.68 flow[(p1,d), 2, 1:6] + 37.โ€ฆ

After playing around with the data a little, I think this zip(gd1, gd2) method will be more effective than a leftjoin.

One thing i didnโ€™t get about OPโ€™s data before looking at it is that the leftjoin is many-to-many and therefore the output of leftjoin is huge. So zip-ing the two grouped data frames together is a very good idea.

As a small piece of advice,

		for row in eachrow(sdf)

is going to be slow (due to the type instability of data frames mentioned above). and itโ€™s better to replace this with a function taking in vectors directly.

Note that groupby(df, ...) is very optimized. You can improve this by making df_flows.rp etc. a PooledArray from PooledArrays.jl . This should make the groupby faster, but I donโ€™t think thatโ€™s the bottleneck.

try this

df_flows = DataFrame(;
    from = ["p1", "p1", "p2", "p2", "p1", "p2"],
    to = ["d", "d", "d", "d", "d", "d"],
    rp = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2],
    time_block = [1:3, 4:6, 1:2, 3:6, 1:6, 1:6],
    index = 1:6,
model = Model()
df_flows.flow = [
        base_name = "flow[($(row.from),$(, $(row.rp), $(row.time_block)]"
    ) for row in eachrow(df_flows)

df_cons = DataFrame(;
    asset = ["p1", "p1", "p1", "p2", "p2", "d", "d", "d"],
    rp = [1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2],
    time_block = [1:3, 4:6, 1:6, 1:6, 1:6, 1:4, 5:6, 1:6],
    index = 1:8,

df_cons.incoming_term .= AffExpr(0)

function ss(frp,fto,crp,cass, ftb,ctb, flow,it)
    idr=[searchsorted(collect(zip(frp,fto)), (a,r)) for (a,r) in zip(crp,cass)]
    for i in id
        len = [length(โˆฉ(ctb[i] , fl))*ฯ€ for fl in ftb[idr[i]]]
        it[i]=len' * flow[idr[i]]

ss(flows.rp,,cons.rp,cons.asset,flows.time_block,cons.time_block,flows.flow, cons.incoming_term)

add *crp[i] to this expression.

Of course, and as usual, youโ€™re right.
I take this opportunity to give a more meaningful name to the function

julia> function cons_inc_term!(frp,fto,crp,cass, ftb,ctb, flow,it) 
           rp_to = collect(zip(frp,fto))
           idr=[searchsorted(rp_to, (a,r)) for (a,r) in zip(crp,cass)]
           for i in id
              #  len = length.((โˆฉ).([ctb[i]] , ftb[idr[i]]))*3.14*crp[i]
               len = [length(โˆฉ(ctb[i] , fl))*ฯ€*crp[i] for fl in ftb[idr[i]]]
               it[i]=len' * flow[idr[i]]
cons_inc_term! (generic function with 1 method)

julia> cons_inc_term!(flows.rp,,cons.rp,cons.asset,flows.time_block,cons.time_block,flows.flow, cons.incoming_term)

julia> cons
8ร—5 DataFrame
 Row โ”‚ asset   rp     time_block  index  incoming_term            โ‹ฏ
     โ”‚ String  Int64  UnitRangeโ€ฆ  Int64  AffExpr                  โ‹ฏ
   1 โ”‚ d           1  1:4             6  9.42 flow[(p1,d), 1, 1:3 โ‹ฏ
   2 โ”‚ d           1  5:6             7  6.28 flow[(p1,d), 1, 4:6  
   3 โ”‚ p1          1  1:3             1  0
   4 โ”‚ p1          1  4:6             2  0
   5 โ”‚ p2          1  1:6             4  0                        โ‹ฏ
   6 โ”‚ d           2  1:6             8  37.68 flow[(p1,d), 2, 1:  
   7 โ”‚ p1          2  1:6             3  0
   8 โ”‚ p2          2  1:6             5  0
                                                   1 column omitted

@Dan, the function has an error because it is overwriting the pre_incoming variable for different values of from. I changed it to the code below, and it appears to be right, I will have to check later. Overall this was blazingly fast. It went down from 90s from the previous best to 0.9s. So 100x speedup. Thanks a lot for the help.

Here is the modified version:

function add_incoming_term!(df_cons, df_flows)
    Tmin = min(minimum(first.(df_flows.time_block)), minimum(first.(df_cons.time_block)))
    Tmax = max(maximum(last.(df_flows.time_block)), maximum(last.(df_cons.time_block)))
    Tspan = Tmin:Tmax
    nT = length(Tspan)
    from_list = unique(df_flows.from)
    from_lookup = Dict(a => i for (i, a) in enumerate(from_list))
    nA = length(from_list)

    pre_incoming = Matrix{AffExpr}(undef, nT, nA)
    df_cons.incoming_term .= AffExpr(0.0)

    g_flows = groupby(df_flows, [:rp, :to])
    g_cons = groupby(df_cons, [:rp, :asset])

    for ((rp, to), sdf) in pairs(g_cons)
        haskey(g_flows, (; rp, to)) || continue
        pre_incoming .= AffExpr(0.0)
        for row in eachrow(g_flows[(; rp, to)]), t in row.time_block
            j = from_lookup[row.from]
            pre_incoming[t-Tmin+1, j] = row.flow * 3.14 * rp
        for row in eachrow(sdf)
            row.incoming_term =
                sum(sum(pre_incoming[t-Tmin+1, :]) for t in row.time_block; init = AffExpr(0.0))
1 Like

@rocco_sprmnt21, thanks for the suggestion. Very interesting, and very fast for the smaller cases. But for the really big case, it slows down to 9s, vs 0.9 from the solution supplied by @Dan. It also allocates 35G according to @time.

I have made minor modification to the call itself. Here is the code:

function rocco_strategy(df_cons, df_flows)
    df_cons.incoming_term_rocco .= AffExpr(0)
    # sort!(df_cons, [:rp, :asset])
    # sort!(df_flows, [:rp, :to])

    function cons_inc_term!(frp, fto, crp, cass, ftb, ctb, flow, it)
        rp_to = collect(zip(frp, fto))
        idr = [searchsorted(rp_to, (a, r)) for (a, r) in zip(crp, cass)]
        id = findall(!isempty, idr)
        for i in id
            len = [length(โˆฉ(ctb[i], fl)) * 3.14 * crp[i] for fl in ftb[idr[i]]]
            it[i] = len' * flow[idr[i]]


The comparison:

Dan strategy
  0.386765 seconds (6.13 M allocations: 379.483 MiB, 24.98% gc time)
Rocco strategy
  7.545171 seconds (551.91 k allocations: 35.770 GiB, 3.86% gc time)
1 Like

Since the performance evaluation depends on the size of the data, could you provide dummy data of the appropriate size?
I add a couple of observations on my proposal:
It would be useful to have a searchsorted() method that works on an iterator like zip() without having to do collect(). Does anyone have any idea how the collect could be avoided?;
as regards the sorting of the two dataframes, only one is necessary for the use of searchsorted: the one on which the searches are carried out.

This is the data: Help improving the speed of a DataFrames operation - #22 by abelsiqueira
The latest commit has your function in the mwe.jl file.

this requires and exploits (I donโ€™t know if in a useful way in the end) the ordering of both dataframes

function sorted_cons_inc_term!(frp,fto,crp,cass, ftb,ctb, flow,it)
    rp_to = tuple.(frp,fto)
    for i in eachindex(crp)
    f=searchsortedfirst((@view rp_to[l+1:end]),(crp[i],cass[i]))
    l=searchsortedlast((@view rp_to[l+1:end]),(crp[i],cass[i]))
      if  !isempty(f:l) 
        len = [length(โˆฉ(ctb[i] , fl))*ฯ€*crp[i] for fl in @view ftb[f:l]]
        it[i]=len' * @view flow[f:l]

Unfortunately I canโ€™t easily use these instructions.

cd $(mktemp -d)
git clone .
git checkout mwe-discourse
julia --project
pkg> instantiate
julia> include("mwe.jl")

Should they be used in the shell or in the REPL?
I have a PC with Windows 10(11?) system, is that ok?

Indeed the function had an error for a while with overwriting in pre_incoming, then I changed it from pre_incoming = to pre_incoming += in the code, which seems to achieve the same as the change you suggested. Maybe you tested my code before it was with the +=. If this is so, then the += method should be a little faster than the matrix change you suggested. So you can check it out.
(the change is in my post - just edited it in at some point yesterday).

No, they assume Linux. But you can also clone directly from VSCode: GitHub - abelsiqueira/TulipaEnergyModel.jl and then switch to branch mwe-discourse.
The file mwe.jl is the relevant file, and the input_dir defines which data is being used.

Indeed, I have the old one - I check the e-mail first, so I might miss the edits.
I will test this change after I implement the problem in the bigger picture. Summing these AffExpr terms individually is slow, so the allocation might be warranted. Letโ€™s see.

This expression allocates because of slicing pre_incoming instead of using a view. Also, the initial value is probably spurious as the whole array is zeroed. So this should do it:

sum(@view(pre_incoming[row.time_block.-(Tmin-1), :]))

and a last optimization to check would be to switch the axes of the matrix, as summing rows and cols can vary in speed (but this might be negligible here).


julia> cons = sort(df_cons, [:rp,:asset,:tb])
118260ร—5 DataFrame
    Row โ”‚ asset            rp     tb         index   incoming_ โ‹ฏ
        โ”‚ String31         Int64  UnitRangโ€ฆ  Int64   AffExpr   โ‹ฏ
      1 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  1:2        100741  0         โ‹ฏ
      2 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  3:4        100742  0
      3 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  5:6        100743  0
      4 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  7:8        100744  0
      5 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  9:10       100745  0         โ‹ฏ
      6 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  11:12      100746  0
      7 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  13:14      100747  0
      8 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  15:16      100748  0
      9 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  17:18      100749  0         โ‹ฏ
     10 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  19:20      100750  0
     11 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  21:22      100751  0
     12 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  23:24      100752  0
     13 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  25:26      100753  0         โ‹ฏ
     14 โ”‚ BE_Battery           1  27:28      100754  0
   โ‹ฎ    โ”‚        โ‹ฎ           โ‹ฎ        โ‹ฎ        โ‹ฎ           โ‹ฎ   โ‹ฑ
 118248 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8748:8748   17508  0
 118249 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8749:8749   17509  0
 118250 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8750:8750   17510  0         โ‹ฏ
 118251 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8751:8751   17511  0
 118252 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8752:8752   17512  0
 118253 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8753:8753   17513  0
 118254 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8754:8754   17514  0         โ‹ฏ
 118255 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8755:8755   17515  0
 118256 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8756:8756   17516  0
 118257 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8757:8757   17517  0
 118258 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8758:8758   17518  0         โ‹ฏ
 118259 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8759:8759   17519  0
 118260 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore      1  8760:8760   17520  0
                                1 column and 118233 rows omitted

julia> flows = sort(df_flows, [:rp,:to,:tb])
131400ร—6 DataFrame
    Row โ”‚ from          to           rp     tb         index   โ‹ฏ
        โ”‚ String31      String15     Int64  UnitRangโ€ฆ  Int64   โ‹ฏ
      1 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  1:2        127021  โ‹ฏ
      2 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  3:4        127022   
      3 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  5:6        127023   
      4 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  7:8        127024   
      5 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  9:10       127025  โ‹ฏ
      6 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  11:12      127026   
      7 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  13:14      127027   
      8 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  15:16      127028   
      9 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  17:18      127029  โ‹ฏ
     10 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  19:20      127030   
     11 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  21:22      127031   
     12 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  23:24      127032   
     13 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  25:26      127033  โ‹ฏ
     14 โ”‚ BE_E_Balance  BE_Battery       1  27:28      127034   
   โ‹ฎ    โ”‚      โ‹ฎ             โ‹ฎ         โ‹ฎ        โ‹ฎ        โ‹ฎ     โ‹ฑ
 131388 โ”‚ NL_E_Import   NL_E_Demand      1  8754:8754   87594   
 131389 โ”‚ NL_E_Balance  NL_E_Demand      1  8755:8755   61315   
 131390 โ”‚ NL_E_Import   NL_E_Demand      1  8755:8755   87595  โ‹ฏ
 131391 โ”‚ NL_E_Balance  NL_E_Demand      1  8756:8756   61316   
 131392 โ”‚ NL_E_Import   NL_E_Demand      1  8756:8756   87596   
 131393 โ”‚ NL_E_Balance  NL_E_Demand      1  8757:8757   61317   
 131394 โ”‚ NL_E_Import   NL_E_Demand      1  8757:8757   87597  โ‹ฏ
 131395 โ”‚ NL_E_Balance  NL_E_Demand      1  8758:8758   61318   
 131396 โ”‚ NL_E_Import   NL_E_Demand      1  8758:8758   87598   
 131397 โ”‚ NL_E_Balance  NL_E_Demand      1  8759:8759   61319   
 131398 โ”‚ NL_E_Import   NL_E_Demand      1  8759:8759   87599  โ‹ฏ
 131399 โ”‚ NL_E_Balance  NL_E_Demand      1  8760:8760   61320   
 131400 โ”‚ NL_E_Import   NL_E_Demand      1  8760:8760   87600   
                                1 column and 131373 rows omitted

julia> begin
6ร—4 DataFrame
 Row โ”‚ rp     to            gfi    gci    
     โ”‚ Int64  String15      Int64  Int64?
   1 โ”‚     1  BE_Battery        1       1
   2 โ”‚     1  BE_E_Balance      2       2
   3 โ”‚     1  BE_E_Demand       3       3
   4 โ”‚     1  NL_Battery        4      10
   5 โ”‚     1  NL_E_Balance      5      11
   6 โ”‚     1  NL_E_Demand       6      12

julia> function int_tb(gc,gf)
           tbc,tbf,crp,fl=gc.tb,gf.tb, gc.rp, gf.flow
           tbf_start = [t.start for t in tbf]
           tbf_stop = [t.stop for t in tbf]
           for (i,r) in enumerate(tbc)
               for ir in f:l
                   e+=length(โˆฉ(tbf[ir], r)) * 3.14 * crp[i]*fl[ir]
               gc.incoming_term[i]= e
int_tb (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function inc_term!(dfj, gc,gf)
           for (f,c) in tt
inc_term! (generic function with 1 method)

I hadnโ€™t read the details of the problem carefully enough and didnโ€™t take advantage of the specifics.
I finally managed to create some tables from the repository clone and did some testing on these.
The scripts I used require the tables to be sorted by the :tb column as well as :rp and :asset.
Iโ€™m not 100% sure I built the same tables you used in the benchmark.
This is the measurement I found anyway

julia> @btime inc_term!(dfj,gc,gf)
  209.512 ms (3394343 allocations: 218.71 MiB)

I saved the tables created in the repository as CSV. When rereading them, using a DataFrame as a sink, the ranges are understood as String15. I had to rebuild the UnitRange type by hand.
Iโ€™m wondering if anyone knows a way to do this using system functions.

types=Dict(:rp => UnitRange)?????
julia> using CSV, DataFrames, JuMP, BenchmarkTools

julia> function to_rng(str)
to_rng (generic function with 1 method)

julia>"df_cons.csv", DataFrame)
118260ร—4 DataFrame
    Row โ”‚ asset          rp     time_block  index  
        โ”‚ String31       Int64  String15    Int64  
      1 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  1:1              1
      2 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  2:2              2
      3 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  3:3              3
      4 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  4:4              4
      5 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  5:5              5
      6 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  6:6              6
      7 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  7:7              7
      8 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  8:8              8
      9 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  9:9              9
     10 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  10:10           10
     11 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  11:11           11
     12 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  12:12           12
     13 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  13:13           13
     14 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  14:14           14
   โ‹ฎ    โ”‚       โ‹ฎ          โ‹ฎ        โ‹ฎ         โ‹ฎ
 118248 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8735:8736   118248
 118249 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8737:8738   118249
 118250 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8739:8740   118250
 118251 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8741:8742   118251
 118252 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8743:8744   118252
 118253 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8745:8746   118253
 118254 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8747:8748   118254
 118255 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8749:8750   118255
 118256 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8751:8752   118256
 118257 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8753:8754   118257
 118258 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8755:8756   118258
 118259 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8757:8758   118259
 118260 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8759:8760   118260
                                118233 rows omitted

julia> dfc.tb=to_rng.(dfc.time_block)
118260-element SentinelArrays.ChainedVector{UnitRange{Int64}, Vector{UnitRange{Int64}}}:

julia> df_cons=dfc[:,[1,2,5,4]]
118260ร—4 DataFrame
    Row โ”‚ asset          rp     tb         index  
        โ”‚ String31       Int64  UnitRangโ€ฆ  Int64
      1 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  1:1             1
      2 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  2:2             2
      3 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  3:3             3
      4 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  4:4             4
      5 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  5:5             5
      6 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  6:6             6
      7 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  7:7             7
      8 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  8:8             8
      9 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  9:9             9
     10 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  10:10          10
     11 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  11:11          11
     12 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  12:12          12
     13 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  13:13          13
     14 โ”‚ NL_E_Demand        1  14:14          14
   โ‹ฎ    โ”‚       โ‹ฎ          โ‹ฎ        โ‹ฎ        โ‹ฎ
 118248 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8735:8736  118248
 118249 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8737:8738  118249
 118250 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8739:8740  118250
 118251 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8741:8742  118251
 118252 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8743:8744  118252
 118253 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8745:8746  118253
 118254 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8747:8748  118254
 118255 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8749:8750  118255
 118256 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8751:8752  118256
 118257 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8753:8754  118257
 118258 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8755:8756  118258
 118259 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8757:8758  118259
 118260 โ”‚ BE_Pump_Hydro      1  8759:8760  118260
                               118233 rows omitted

julia>"df_flows.csv", DataFrame)
131400ร—5 DataFrame
    Row โ”‚ from             to            rp     time_block  in โ‹ฏ
        โ”‚ String31         String15      Int64  String15    In โ‹ฏ
      1 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore  NL_E_Balance      1  1:1            โ‹ฏ
      2 โ”‚ NL_Wind_Onshore  NL_E_Balance      1  2:2

With some small changes

julia> cons = sort(df_cons, [:rp,:asset,:tb])
118260ร—5 DataFrame

julia> flows = sort(df_flows, [:rp,:to,:tb])
131400ร—6 DataFrame

df_cons.incoming_term .= AffExpr(0.0)
cons = sort(df_cons, [:rp,:asset,:tb])
flows = sort(df_flows, [:rp,:to,:tb])

function main(cons,flows)
    function int_tb(gc,gf)
        tbc,tbf,crp,fl=gc.tb,gf.tb, gc.rp, gf.flow
        tbf_start = first.(tbf)
        tbf_stop = last.(tbf)
        for (i,r) in enumerate(tbc)
            len=length.((โˆฉ).((@view tbf[f:l]), Ref(r))) * 3.14 * crp[i]
            gc.incoming_term[i]= len' * @view fl[f:l]
    function inc_term!(dfj, gc,gf)
        for (f,c) in tt


# julia>          @btime inc_term!(dfj,gc,gf);
#   120.013 ms (1442627 allocations: 75.05 MiB)

# julia> @btime main(cons, flows)
#   125.609 ms (1443507 allocations: 78.91 MiB)

julia> @btime add_incoming_term!(df_cons, df_flows)        
  441.868 ms (6468746 allocations: 427.07 MiB)

julia> sort(df_cons,:asset).incoming_term == cons.incoming_term

Hey, sorry for the lack of replies, I went on vacation in December and forgot to reply in January.

For completion: Weโ€™ve implement a solution based on @Danโ€™s reply: TulipaEnergyModel.jl/src/create-model.jl at e2b5e8891a4edbfa0c1043847f7a56b146d6f00d ยท TulipaEnergy/TulipaEnergyModel.jl ยท GitHub and it was merged a few weeks ago.

I havenโ€™t checked your latest solution @rocco_sprmnt21, so I donโ€™t know how it compares. It is not easy to test it with the current code, so I will have to park it for now.
With the improvements that we made, we decided that it is good enough for now, and moved to finished some other more pressing objectives. We will come back to performance later, so I might revisit this in the future.

The merged version was 3.2 times faster than what we had!

Thank you all for the help.

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