I use Shapefile.jl parse *.shp file into DataFrame, with each row having some region information and a Polygon struct specifies the shape of that region. Everything works smoothly. Big thanks
After that, I needs to plot those Polygons(since every region has its own polygon, here take Australia as example, it has 11 regions, so 11 Polygons to plot) using Gadfly
# this is the data structure of Polygon parsing by Shapefile
struct Polygon
# the box boundary contains that polygon
# each part specify the start of next shape, my understanding
parts::Array{Int, 1}
# Point with x, y field for latitude and longitude
points::Array{Point, 1}
/* toy example
polygon.parts == [0, 3, 7]
polygon.points == [p1, p2, ... , p10]
parts is 0-indexed instead of 1-index
it means
* point 0 to 2 defines a shape
* 3 to 6 is another
* lastly 7 to 10
convert to 1-index 1:3, 4:7, 8:10
Remember, for Australia, we have 11 such Polygons, so total #shapes is 6708. My understanding is that I need to plot 6708 polygons. And this is the code
# plot single Polygon and return Array{layer, 1} with each layer represents a shape
# in the toy example case, that's 3 layers
function plotPolygon(poly)
starts = poly.parts .+ 1
ends = length(poly.parts) == 1 ? [length(poly.points)] : vcat(poly.parts[2:end], length(poly.points))
xs = [p.x for p in poly.points]
ys = [p.y for p in poly.points]; layers = []
for part in 1:length(poly.parts)
s = starts[part]
e = ends[part]
l = layer(x = xs[s:e], y = ys[s:e], Geom.polygon(preserve_order = true))
push!(layers, l)
# in toy example, one needs to plot 11 Polygons in one plot
function plotPolygons(polygons::Array{Polygon, 1})
p = plot()
for poly in polygons
for layer = plotPolygon(poly)
push!(p, layer)
plotPolygons(df[!, :polygon])
When that runs in repl, it automatically displays to browser, with long delay(and noise from my laptop). But when I try to export that to svg, thinking maybe the delay comes from browser(it turns out not), it StackOverFlow.
plotPolygons(df[!, :polygon]) |> SVG("Australia.svg", 20cm, 20cm)
Is 6708 polygons large? Or is it 1426114 points?
That must be a better way, right?
I’m aware the existence of VegaLight.jl and OpenStreetMapXPlot.jl. But I just want to keep things simple and do it in Gadfly. So Any idea for improvement?(yep, a new laptop could do that)