GeoIO plotting in a map

I am wondering if there is a possibility to plot a shapefile loaded using GeoIO in map ?

using GeoIO
df_lo = GeoIO.load("data/processed/low/us_division_2018/us_division_2018.shp")
df_hi = GeoIO.load("data/processed/high/us_state_2018/us_state_2018.shp")

Here is the python code to do it …

df_lo = gpd.read_file("data/processed/low/us_division_2018/us_division_2018.shp")
df_hi = gpd.read_file("data/processed/high/us_state_2018/us_state_2018.shp")

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols = 2, sharex = True, sharey = True)
df_lo.plot(ax = ax1, column = "area")
df_hi.plot(ax = ax2, column = "area")
ax1.set_title("Low Resolution Boundaries")
ax2.set_title("High Resolution Boundaries")

You might like to check out Visualization · GeoStats.jl (

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Thank you @TimG for sharing the docs.

@imantha you may also find the book useful:

Using a UK-based shapefile from ONS: Local Authority Districts (December 2023) Boundaries UK BFC

using GeoStats, GeoIO
import CairoMakie as Mke
plotdf = GeoIO.load("LAD_DEC_2023_UK_BGC.shp")
fig = Mke.Figure()
ax2 = Mke.Axis(fig[1, 1], aspect=Mke.DataAspect())
viz!(ax2, plotdf.geometry, color=1:nrow(plotdf), colormap=:lajolla)

You can control every aspect of the plot’s appearance in Makie.


And if you need US boundaries from an open database, check GeoArtifacts.jl: