Hello everyone, I'm trying to write a function that returns an array with all path

Hello everyone,
I’m trying to write a function that returns an array with all paths from root to leaves in a binary tree, where each path is an array of symbols.
The tree struct is defined like this:

abstract type Node end

struct Branch_Node <: Node

struct Leaf_Node <: Node

So for this tree

tree = Branch_Node(Branch_Node(Branch_Node(Leaf_Node(), Leaf_Node()), Leaf_Node()),Branch_Node(Leaf_Node(), Leaf_Node()))

I want the function to return

[[:left, :left, :left], [:left, :left, :right], [:left, :right], [:right, :left], [:right, :right]]

I can write a function that returns a nested array like this:

function get_path_to_leaf(node::Leaf_Node)
function get_path_to_leaf(node::Branch_Node)
    return [[:left, get_path_to_leaf(node.left)], [:right, get_path_to_leaf(node.right)]]

But I can’t figure out how to unfold the paths into flat arrays. I though something like this:

function get_path_to_leaf(node::Leaf_Node)
    return []

function get_path_to_leaf(node::Branch_Node)
    return [[append!([:left], i) for i in get_path_to_leaf(node.left)], [append!([:right], i) for i in get_path_to_leaf(node.right)]]

would do it, but I get the following error “ERROR: MethodError: Cannot convert an object of type Array{Symbol,1} to an object of type Symbol”
and I’m having no luck debugging it. Sorry for the wall of text, can anyone help?

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I’m not entirely sure, but I don’t think this will work. Anytime you’d reach the leaf, you’d return an empty collection, which would “propagate” and give you an empty collection in the end. I think for something like this to work, you need to return a non-empty thing with the leaf, even if it’s an 1-element vector containing an empty array of symbols:

julia> struct Branch_Node <: Node

julia> struct Leaf_Node <: Node

julia> function get_path_to_leaf(node::Leaf_Node)
           return [Symbol[]]
get_path_to_leaf (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function get_path_to_leaf(node::Branch_Node)
           return [[[:left; x] for x in get_path_to_leaf(node.left)]; [[:right; x] for x in get_path_to_leaf(node.right)]]
get_path_to_leaf (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> tree = Branch_Node(Branch_Node(Branch_Node(Leaf_Node(), Leaf_Node()), Leaf_Node()),Branch_Node(Leaf_Node(), Leaf_Node()))
Branch_Node(Branch_Node(Branch_Node(Leaf_Node(), Leaf_Node()), Leaf_Node()), Branch_Node(Leaf_Node(), Leaf_Node()))

julia> get_path_to_leaf(tree)
5-element Vector{Vector{Symbol}}:
 [:left, :left, :left]
 [:left, :left, :right]
 [:left, :right]
 [:right, :left]
 [:right, :right]
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