HDF5 error on 0.6.4

I’ve been trying to convert some data form .jld to .jld2 and when reading in one of my files, I encountered the following error:

julia> load("/Users/gideonsimpson/filename1.jld")
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.2) thread 0:
  #000: H5F.c line 511 in H5Fopen(): unable to open file
    major: File accessibilty
    minor: Unable to open file
  #001: H5Fint.c line 1604 in H5F_open(): unable to read superblock
    major: File accessibilty
    minor: Read failed
  #002: H5Fsuper.c line 630 in H5F__super_read(): truncated file: eof = 871199488, sblock->base_addr = 512, stored_eof = 2640011026
    major: File accessibilty
    minor: File has been truncated
ERROR: Error opening file /Users/gideonsimpson/filename1.jld
 [1] h5f_open(::String, ::UInt16, ::Int64) at /Users/gideonsimpson/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/HDF5.jl:2264
 [2] #jldopen#9(::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Function, ::String, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool) at /Users/gideonsimpson/.julia/v0.6/JLD/src/JLD.jl:204
 [3] (::JLD.#kw##jldopen)(::Array{Any,1}, ::JLD.#jldopen, ::String, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool) at ./<missing>:0
 [4] #jldopen#10(::Bool, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Function, ::String, ::String) at /Users/gideonsimpson/.julia/v0.6/JLD/src/JLD.jl:231
 [5] jldopen(::String, ::String) at /Users/gideonsimpson/.julia/v0.6/JLD/src/JLD.jl:231
 [6] #jldopen#11(::Array{Any,1}, ::Function, ::JLD.##37#39, ::String, ::Vararg{String,N} where N) at /Users/gideonsimpson/.julia/v0.6/JLD/src/JLD.jl:241
 [7] load(::FileIO.File{FileIO.DataFormat{:JLD}}) at /Users/gideonsimpson/.julia/v0.6/JLD/src/JLD.jl:1234
 [8] #load#13(::Array{Any,1}, ::Function, ::String) at /Users/gideonsimpson/.julia/v0.6/FileIO/src/loadsave.jl:113
 [9] load(::String) at /Users/gideonsimpson/.julia/v0.6/FileIO/src/loadsave.jl:113