I have the same issue. I even try directly giving the path to libhdf5 but it still doesn’t work.
Edit - Got it to work. I removed the .julia folder in your home directory completely, upgraded to 1.7.0 rc-3, and in my terminal exported the path to libhdf5 like this export JULIA_HDF5_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/hdf5/1.12.1 which I installed with homebrew, obviously by the path. Then started Julia and ran these commands using Pkg; Pkd.add("HDF5"); Pkg.build("HDF5").
It looks like it’s not using the home brew hdf5. There is an environment variable within julia (not your OS) called JULIA_LIBHDF5 or something similar that you need to set to point to the brew hdf5 install. I am mobile right now but respond if you can’t get it and I’ll be able to check exactly what my settings are later tonight.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your saying this. yes, if you could check your settings I would be super grateful. I am trying to follow this website, which talks about environment variables in Julia.
It talks about editing the file ~/.julia/config/startup.jl
But when I go into my .julia folder, my only options are artifacts, conda, logs, pluto_notebooks, registries, compiled, environments, packages, prefs, and scratchspaces
@mkitti you still need to point Julia to the brew install of hdf5. @Xavier_Gonzalez Just put in your .zshrc or .bashrc or whatever shell you use export JULIA_HDF5_PATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/hdf5/1.12.1_1 make sure to match the version number at the end. you can check your version number by just doing ls -l /opt/homebrew/Cellar/hdf5/. also start a new shell and then a new Julia instance when you go to test. then do add HDF5, build HDF5 etc
@kylebeggs I’m uncertain why homebrew is still needed. It could certainly still be useful, but I’m not sure why it is necessary as of January 10th, 2022.
As I posted above, HDF5_jll now appears to provide support aarch64-apple-darwin and giordano is not objecting to that assertion.