I’m trying out the debugger in Juno for the first time. I notice that when a breakpoint is hit and the prompt turns to debug>
, the prompt is not automatically in the innermost stack frame, even though this is highlighted in the callstack in the debugger pane. Consequently, I can not evaluate any expressions in the prompt. If I manually click the little number to the left of the innermost stack frame in the callstack, I can evaluate expressions at the debug prompt.
Is this a bug, intended behavior or have I messed something up?
Edit: This also happens sometimes when I enter a function, I have to manually click the new innermost stackframe to be able to evaluate code in it.
Hm, I can’t repro that. Definitely a bug though – are you on the latest versions for all Juno-related packages, both on the Julia and Atom side?
I think so, have tried to run all updates. Am on julia nightly from a couple of days back though, is that affecting perhaps?
(v1.2) pkg> st
Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.2/Project.toml`
[c52e3926] Atom v0.8.4
├── ink@0.10.3
├── julia-client@0.8.2
├── language-julia@0.18.0
Am on julia nightly from a couple of days back though, is that affecting perhaps?
Possible. JuliaInterpreter itself should work fine there, but I can’t guarantee the same for Juno (or rather, I know parts of Juno don’t work properly on nightly). Do open an issue to track this, though.