Have btngroup change its content dynamically

How do I setup a btngroup in StippleUI to dynamically change the buttons (their functions and labels) it contains? I want the buttons to depend on some input (i.e. one of the model’s parameters)?

Politely pinging @hhaensel @essenciary

Not sure whether that was addressed in Github, but if anyone is interested, here’s the solution

  1. static label
julia> btn(label, @click(:mybutton))
"<q-btn label v-on:click=\"mybutton = true\"><label></label></q-btn>"
  1. dynamic label (binding to a field :labelfield)
julia> @vars ButtonDemo begin
           mybotton = false
           labelfield = "My Button label"

julia> btn(:labelfield, @click(:mybutton))
"<q-btn :label=\"labelfield\" v-on:click=\"mybutton = true\"></q-btn>"