Something came up in my research where I’m doing a scatter plot with way too many points.
Has anyone had experience making hexagonally binned plots like the ones seen here:
// preferably with pgfplots (or plots.jl), but beggars can’t be choosers
Something came up in my research where I’m doing a scatter plot with way too many points.
Has anyone had experience making hexagonally binned plots like the ones seen here:
// preferably with pgfplots (or plots.jl), but beggars can’t be choosers
Doesn’t Plots.jl have a hexbin function?
Looks like it’s only supported for PyPlots, though.
I started rolling my own hexbin plotting function. It’s not super fast, but it works:
cell 1
using GeometricalPredicates
xmin = -15
xmax = 30
ymin = -80
ymax = 170
num_hexagons = 25
dx = xmax - xmin
dy = ymax - ymin
aspect_ratio = (3/4) * dx/dy
width = ( xmax - xmin ) / num_hexagons
xx = [ -1/2 , 0 , 1/2 , 1/2 , 0 , -1/2 , -1/2 ] * width
yy = [ 1/4 , 1/2 , 1/4, -1/4, -1/2, -1/4 , 1/4 ] * width / aspect_ratio
cur_hexagons = Array{Any}(num_hexagons+1, num_hexagons+1)
for cur_row in 0:num_hexagons
x_offset = isodd(cur_row) ? (dx/num_hexagons) / 2 : 0
for cur_col in 0:num_hexagons
tmp_xx = xx - dx/2 - xmin/2 + dx/num_hexagons*cur_col + x_offset
tmp_yy = yy - dy/2 - ymin/2 + dy/num_hexagons*cur_row
cur_hexagons[cur_row+1, cur_col+1] = Polygon(map(cur_zip -> Point(cur_zip...), collect(zip(tmp_xx,tmp_yy))[1:end-1])...)
cell 2
aa = linspace(xmin, xmax, 200)
bb = sin.(2*2*pi*aa/dx) * dy/2 + (dy/2 + ymin)
cur_info = Array{Any}(num_hexagons+1, num_hexagons+1)
cur_points = map(cur_zip -> Point(cur_zip...), collect(zip(aa,bb)))
for cur_row in 0:num_hexagons
for cur_col in 0:num_hexagons
cur_hexagon = cur_hexagons[cur_row+1, cur_col+1]
cur_info[cur_row+1, cur_col+1] = count(cur_point -> inpolygon(cur_hexagon, cur_point), cur_points)
cell 3
for cur_row in 0:num_hexagons
for cur_col in 0:num_hexagons
cur_hexagon = cur_hexagons[cur_row+1, cur_col+1]
tmp_xx = map(cur_vertex -> cur_vertex._x, cur_hexagon._p)
tmp_yy = map(cur_vertex -> cur_vertex._y, cur_hexagon._p)
push!(tmp_xx, cur_hexagon._p[1]._x)
push!(tmp_yy, cur_hexagon._p[1]._y)
tmp_cc = cur_info[cur_row+1, cur_col+1]
iszero(tmp_cc) && continue
plot!(tmp_xx, tmp_yy,aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio, label="", fill=true, fillopacity=0.2, color=tmp_cc)
# scatter!(aa,bb, label="")
xlims!(xmin, xmax)
ylims!(ymin, ymax)
Here’s something I put together a while back: GitHub - RalphAS/HexBinPlots.jl: hexbins for the rest of the Julians. It’s also rather slow, and last time I tried it didn’t work with the pgfplots backend, but it did what I wanted at the time.
It should definitely work with at least GR as well
Can you provide an example of this?
// I get a backend not supported message (if I’m doing it the correct way?)
No I just now that GR has native hexbins. If it doesn’t works out of the box could you raise an issue?