I am looking for a guide that focuses on programming style in Julia. I understand how to write functions, use types, the syntax etc., but I look for a guide that focuses on questions like:
When I start a project with many files, how do I organize them? How should I include functions? How should I make sure that functions can call other functions? How do I organize the input/output of functions efficiently?
It would be a great help, if there was a compact source that answers these kind of questions.
Thank you very much!
It is customary to put projects in packages. PkgDev.generate
will create a nice skeleton for your source and tests.
For include and module organization, see the documentation.
For “how can I make sure” questions, the answer is usually a unit test.
For examples on big structured packages look at Images.jl, DifferentialEquations.jl, Jump.jl, POMDPs.jl …
It would be good to have a list of the good style choices of those packages.
Personally I think the Documenter.jl package is very well designed, using many different modules:
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