GtkReactive: hooking functions to button press

I’m trying to add a button to the image series display GUI from ImageView.jl that, when pressed, runs some series of functions. I’ve added the button, but (probably due to some reading comprehension failure) I haven’t managed to hook it up properly: the functions run immediately rather than waiting for the button to be pressed. In the MWE below, the button should remove the annotation point at the center of the image when pressed.

using Images, ImageView, GtkReactive, Gtk.ShortNames

img = Gray.(rand(100,100,10))
guidata = imshow(img, axes=(1,2))
done = button("Done")
push!(guidata["gui"]["vbox"][3], done)
idx = annotate!(guidata, AnnotationPoint(50, 50, shape='.', size=4, color=Gray(1.0)))


sigdone = map(done) do btn
    delete!(guidata, idx)

I managed to get it working by looking at the test suite for the button. It seems kludgy: why does a signal fire when the map is created?

using Images, ImageView, GtkReactive, Gtk.ShortNames

img = Gray.(rand(100,100,10))
guidata = imshow(img, axes=(1,2))
done = button("Done")
push!(guidata["gui"]["vbox"][3], done)
idx = annotate!(guidata, AnnotationPoint(50, 50, shape='.', size=4, color=Gray(1.0)))

global btn_counter = 0
sigdone = map(done) do btn
    global btn_counter
    btn_counter::Int += 1
    if btn_counter > 1 # creating the map executes `sigdone` prematurely
                       # need to wait for the second run: use a global counter
        delete!(guidata, idx)


because you need a first value to create the signal from… either we make all signals from a map untyped, hack type inference, or call the function when creating the map :wink: