Gtk4.jl open_dialog warning

Minimal working example of the problem:

using Gtk4

win = GtkWindow("Plasmatrace")

open_dialog("Pick a file to open", win) do filename


Storing this script in a file called test.jl, running it at the REPL, and selecting a file called test.txt:

julia> include("test.jl")

julia> /home/janonime/test.txt

(process:380841): Gtk-WARNING **: 22:56:02.534: Attempting to add 'file:///home/janonime/text.txt' to the list of recently used resources, but no name of the application that is registering it was defined


How can I avoid the warning?

NB: I am using Julia 1.10.4 under Ubuntu 22.04.4 with i3wm.