Gradient of parameters that apply only to subsets of data

Hi, I would like to optimize parameters of an analytic function to fit heterogeneous data (different experimental conditions, partly overlapping). I’m using index arrays to know which parameters to use for which data point. This seems problematic with Flux and Zygote, here’s a minimal example trying to get the parameter gradients. I didn’t know how to wrap the meta-information (last-index arrays, here id) so I put it in a nested function:

using Flux.Tracker  # or: Zygote

function pred(f,id)
    d = Vector{Float64}(undef,id[end])
    i1 = 1
    for (n,i2) in enumerate(id)
        d[i1:i2] .= f[n]    # dummy function depending on f[n]
        i1 = i2+1
    return d

function grad(f0,id,d)
    loss(f) = sum(abs2.(d .- pred(f,id)))

id = [2,3,5]        # indices defining where parameters apply
f0 = [1.0,2.0,3.0]  # parameters
d  = pred(f0,id)    # test data

In Flux.Tracker, this gives me

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching Float64(::Tracker.TrackedReal{Float64})

While Zygote complains about

ERROR: LoadError: Mutating arrays is not supported

Any (other) idea how to optimize “partly-global” parameters? Or what I’m doing wrong?

In your pred function, you pre-allocate the d and then mutate it. Instead you can just apply your f to id and then concat the results.

Aha, thanks for that… but I can’t figure out how to concat the results without initializing them in some form. What I tried:

function pred(f,id)
    d = Vector{Float64}(undef,id[end])          # version 1
#   d = Float64[]                               # version 2-4
    i1 = 1
    for (n,i2) in enumerate(id)
        d[i1:i2] .= f[n]                        # version 1
#       append!(d,repeat([f[n]],i2-i1+1))       # version 2
#       d = vcat(d,repeat([f[n]],i2-i1+1))      # version 3
#       for i=i1:i2; push!(d,f[n]); end         # version 4
        i1 = i2+1
    return d

resulted in:

ERROR: Mutating arrays is not supported                      #version 1
ERROR: Can't differentiate gc_preserve_end expression        #version 2
ERROR: Mutating arrays is not supported                      #version 3
ERROR: Mutating arrays is not supported                      #version 4

maybe there’s a nice way with [i for i in (???)] using multiple indices?

Sorry, don’t bother, I’ll switch to larger index arrays instead so I can access repeated parameters in one go without preallocation and complicated nested loops. It’s less memory efficient, but I hope autodifferentiation is worth it. Thanks again for the explanation!