Just modify your code slightly to send_mesg = Array([ismissing(x) ? x = NaN : x for x in row]) because I got MethodError: Cannot convert an object of type Missing to an object of type Float64 if use oftype() function.
Then the missings were converted to NaNs, and eltype(send_mesg) became Real.
But I still got ArgumentError: Type must be isbitstype even so… Any ideas?
Sorry, oftype was used incorrectly. I just edited my previous post.
Still, if you have an array of Union{Missing, Float64}, say
row = [3.0, 1.2, missing, 3.1]
then the above code (that I just edited) should give you a Vector{Float64}.
If you got an array of Real, it’s probably because your original data is not Float64, but a different subtype of Real such as Int, and then you’re mixing Ints and Float64s. In that case, you can try the following:
send_mesg = Float64[ismissing(x) ? NaN : x for x in row]