I am now back at an old problem which I abandoned due to lack of time: displaying overlay plots (2D) in an animated 3D scene
I started a GH discussion back then and I got it almost working with the help of Simon (still could not fix the layering issue, the plot was always behind the 3D scene) but things have apparently changed now and I cannot even reproduce the old layout.
Just a quick reminder, this is what I am looking for (roughly):
The proposed code last year was
subwindow = Scene(scene, px_area=Observable(Rect(100, 100, 200, 200)), clear=true, backgroundcolor=:green)
subwindow.clear = true
meshscatter!(subwindow, rand(Point3f, 10), color=:gray)
plot!(subwindow, [1, 2, 3], rand(3))
which kind of worked and produced in the old application an overlay like this:
When I however try the same with the current version of GLMakie (v0.10.5) I get a full overlay of the plot and it’s still somehow behind the 3D scene, or at least some parts, it’s a bit weird:
Two questions:
- How do I adjust the size and position of the overlay plot correctly?
- How do I put the plot in the foreground so that the 3D scene is entirely behind the plot?
Any hints are highly appreciated, I tried so many things already
Here is a MWE which can be executed by running:
julia> include("scripts/uioverlayplot.jl")
eventloop (generic function with 1 method)
julia> app = initialize()
It’s a rough skeleton of the main application which the mentioned code block (four lines) which adds the subwindow:
using Makie
using GLMakie
using GLFW
using GeometryBasics
@kwdef mutable struct App
scene::Scene = Scene(backgroundcolor=RGBf(0.9))
cam::Makie.Camera3D = cam3d!(scene, rotation_center = :lookat)
fps::Int = 60
Draws a grid on the XY-plane with an optional `center` point, `span`, grid-`spacing` and
styling options.
function basegrid!(app::App; center=(0, 0, 0), span=(-10, 10), spacing=1, linewidth=1, color=(:grey, 0.3))
scene = app.scene
min, max = span
center = Point3d(center)
for q ∈ range(min, max; step=spacing)
lines!(scene, [Point3d(q, min, 0) + center, Point3d(q, max, 0) + center], color=color, linewidth=linewidth)
lines!(scene, [Point3d(min, q, 0) + center, Point3d(max, q, 0) + center], color=color, linewidth=linewidth)
Initialise the app, enter the event loop and return the app instance to
the REPL.
function initialize()
app = App()
update_cam!(app.scene, app.cam, Vec3f(5), Vec3f(0, 0, 0), Vec3f(0, 0, 1))
n = 10
rand(Vec3f, n),
markersize = [rand()/10 for _ in 1:n]
lines!(app.scene, [rand(Vec3f) for _ in 1:n]; color=:red, linewidth=4)
Threads.@spawn :interactive eventloop(app)
function eventloop(app::App)
screen = display(GLMakie.Screen(start_renderloop=false, focus_on_show=true, title="RainbowAlga"), app.scene)
glw = screen.glscreen
GLMakie.GLFW.SetWindowPos(glw, 100, 100)
GLMakie.GLFW.SetWindowSize(glw, 400, 400)
scene = app.scene
# Adding the overlay plot
subwindow = Scene(scene, px_area=Observable(Rect(100, 100, 200, 200)), clear=true, backgroundcolor=:green)
subwindow.clear = true
meshscatter!(subwindow, rand(Point3f, 10), color=:gray)
plot!(subwindow, [1, 2, 3], rand(3))
while isopen(screen)
frame_start = time()
rotate_cam!(scene, Vec3f(0, 0.005, 0))
sleep_time = 1.0/app.fps - (time() - frame_start)
sleep_time > 0 && sleep(sleep_time)