I played it through with the following outcome.
Sources to follow on how to make it work:
First attempt:
(@v1.8) pkg> add "git@github.com:oheil/NormalizeQuantiles.jl.git"
Cloning git-repo `git@github.com:oheil/NormalizeQuantiles.jl.git`
SSH host verification: the identity of the server `github.com:22` does not
match its known hosts record. Someone could be trying to man-in-the-middle
your connection. It is also possible that the server has changed its key, in
which case you should check with the server administrator and if they
confirm that the key has been changed, update your known hosts file.
ERROR: failed to clone from git@github.com:oheil/NormalizeQuantiles.jl.git,
error: GitError(Code:ERROR, Class:Net, user cancelled hostkey check)
I had to set a environment variable before running Julia REPL, this maybe not the case for everyone:
E.g. for windows this can be done in the CMD where Julia REPL is started later:
set JULIA_NO_VERIFY_HOSTS="github.com"
I am on Julia 1.8.2 perhaps some day in future this is not needed anymore.
Now setting up ssh keys as described in above github documentation.
I did the key generation in a Linux shell. As I want to use it on Windows, I had to convert it into ppk format, using “PuTTY Key Generator” (menu Conversions) and saving it as .ppk.
The PuTTY version of ssh-agent is Pageant, where I imported the .ppk key.
Now next attempt:
(@v1.8) pkg> add "git@github.com:oheil/NormalizeQuantiles.jl.git"
Cloning git-repo `git@github.com:oheil/NormalizeQuantiles.jl.git`
Updating git-repo `git@github.com:oheil/NormalizeQuantiles.jl.git`
Updating registry at `C:\Users\oheil\.julia\registries\General`
Updating git-repo `https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git`
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 5 seconds. 335 already precompiled.
To get to a specific tagged version of this project you can do now:
(@v1.8) pkg> add NormalizeQuantiles#offset-arrays
Updating git-repo `git@github.com:oheil/NormalizeQuantiles.jl.git`
Resolving package versions...
Updating `C:\Users\oheil\.julia\environments\v1.8\Project.toml`
[d366530f] ~ NormalizeQuantiles v1.2.2 `git@github.com:oheil/NormalizeQuantiles.jl.git#master` ⇒ v1.0.0 `git@github.com:oheil/NormalizeQuantiles.jl.git#offset-arrays`
Updating `C:\Users\oheil\.julia\environments\v1.8\Manifest.toml`
[d366530f] ~ NormalizeQuantiles v1.2.2 `git@github.com:oheil/NormalizeQuantiles.jl.git#master` ⇒ v1.0.0 `git@github.com:oheil/NormalizeQuantiles.jl.git#offset-arrays`
Precompiling project...
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 3 seconds. 335 already precompiled.
Well, successful, except not as convenient as the https protocol