Github annouced codespace. does it mean Atom is now abandoned?

My 2c. I’m an Atom user but probably every six months I mess around with VSCode to see how far its come (the whole thing, not just the Julia part). I did this week too and this time I was really impressed. As someone constantly working on various HPC clusters, the remote workspaces alone is soooo good now and pretty much solidifies I’m going to move to all VSCode some time in the future.

That said, for Julia I will probably stick with Juno for now. FWIW, I think the minimal things that would get me to switch are:

  • Inline evaluations, both run-block (displays output on the side) and run-cell (displays output below, sort of like a notebook), with expandable “drill-down” outputs for both. Sounds like notebook-style displaying outputs below is coming to VSCode which is great, but unfortunately the run-block style is what I use more, because the outputs don’t expand anything to make space, so you don’t get visually disoriented of where the code is in your original file.

  • Evaluate into current module and change module. I don’t think its been mentioned here but for me its critical for package developement to open some file which is included in some module and when I evaluate stuff in it, I’m evaluating in that module.

Beyond that, there’s still a bunch of details which are really nicely polished in Juno that would be nice to have, including

  • Profiler, especially including the thing Juno does where your lines of code get highlighted with a bar that has a length proportional to runtime.
  • Stack traces highlighting lines of code included in the trace as red, for extra easy tracing of errors.
  • Entering debug for single statements within a running session (in VSCode I could only figure out how to debug a whole file and also it always starts a new session? maybe I’m missing something though) and “Step to Next Expression”.

Anyway, that’s my perspective on it, ultimately both tools are very good and you guys all deserve alot of credit for the hard work you’ve put in.