GIFImages.jl: Decodes GIFs x15 faster

Happy to announce release of GIFImages.jl 0.1.0 !!
GIFImages.jl decodes GIFs in Julia x15 times faster than current ImageMagick method.

GIFImages.jl provides support for decoding and encoding GIF images in Julia by wrapping LibGif. GIF(Graphics Interchange Format) supports up to 8 bits per pixel for each image, allowing a single image to reference its own palette of up to 256 different colors chosen from the 24-bit RGB color space.

It’s one of 3 major work products from my GSOC’22 project. ExifViewer.jl already published and JPEG2000.jl on the way to release too!

Repository: GitHub - ashwani-rathee/GIFImages.jl: Provides Gif support in Julia using LibGif
Documentation: Home · GIFImages.jl

To find more information about GIFs and GIFImages.jl, please check the blog posts:
Medium: Release of GIFImages.jl for making GIF files more accessible: GSOC’22 Work Product | by Ashwani Rathee | Oct, 2022 | Medium
Julia Forem: Release of GIFImages.jl for making GIF files more accessible: GSOC'22 Work Product - Julia Community 🟣


This IO work is sooo helpful, thanks for your amazing contributions!

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Hey Tim!!

Thank you so much for your kind words! It’s been a great journey all in all this year. Looking forward to learning so much more about this topic and contributing more in near future.