I’ve got a fairly simple custom 2-layer MLP implementation but I get this strange error when trying to get the gradient:
LoadError: UndefVarError: xs not defined
UndefVarError: xs not defined
Here’s my full code
using Flux
using Zygote
using LinearAlgebra;
mutable struct Layer
layer1 = Layer(randn(784,512),randn(1,512))
layer2 = Layer(randn(512,10),randn(1,10))
layers = [layer1,layer2];
function run_layer(X::Matrix,layer::Layer, cols::Vector{Int64}, rows::Vector{Int64})
e1 = isempty(cols)
e2 = isempty(rows)
bias = e1 ? layer.bias : layer.bias[:,cols]
theta = e1 ? layer.theta : layer.theta[:,cols]
theta = e2 ? theta : theta[rows,:]
y_ = X * theta .+ bias
return y_, cols
function model(X::Array,layers::Vector{Layer}, S::Vector)
A1, c1 = run_layer(X,layers[1],S,Vector{Int64}([]))
A1 = Flux.normalise(A1;dims=ndims(A1), ϵ=1e-5)
A1 = NNlib.relu.(A1)
A2, c2 = run_layer(A1,layers[2],Vector{Int64}([]),c1)
A2 = Flux.normalise(A2;dims=ndims(A2), ϵ=1e-5)
A2 = NNlib.softmax(A2,dims=2)
return A2
lossfn(ŷ::Vector{Float64},y::Vector{Float64}) = -1.0 * LinearAlgebra.dot(log.(ŷ),y)
S = [1,50,90,112,145,240,300,301,500,505]
g = Zygote.gradient(w -> lossfn(vec(model(randn(1,784),w,S)),[1.0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]),layers)
# error
I appreciate any guidance on this