I’ve noticed something odd while trying to generate Gaussian Markov random fields on an irregular mesh. In this model, a spatial field is a multivariate normal variable defined on the mesh nodes. The distribution is defined in terms of its precision matrix Q rather than its covariance \Sigma = Q^{-1}, since the Markov property means that Q is very sparse.
In theory, random samples can be generated efficiently from a precision matrix like so:
z = randn(size(Q,1))
x = cholesky(Q).U \ z
However, I’ve noticed that doing this with a sparse matrix Q
produces bad samples–too spiky, without the correct correlation structure. In contrast, samples generated from the covariance matrix or the precision matrix converted to a dense matrix both look right (this precision matrix is defined such that the decorrelation scale should be about 20):
using DataFrames, CSV
using Random, SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra, Plots
Q_df = CSV.read("precision_matrix.csv")
point_df = CSV.read("mesh_points.csv")
Q = sparse(df.i, df.j, df.q)
Σ = Symmetric(inv(Matrix(Q)))
z = randn(size(Q, 1))
x = cholesky(Σ).L * z
p1 =surface(point_df.x, point_df.y, x, camera=(45, 80), title="Dense Σ")
xq = cholesky(Matrix(Q)).U \ z
p2 = surface(point_df.x, point_df.y, xq, camera=(45, 80), title="Dense Q")
xqs = cholesky(Q).U \ z
p3 = surface(point_df.x, point_df.y, xqs, camera=(45, 80), title="Sparse Q")
plot(p1, p2, p3, layout=(1,3), size=(1200, 400), colorbar=false)
The .csv files are available here:
This has to be some numeric issue with the sparse Cholesky and/or backsolve, right? Any ideas for what’s happening, or for fixes or workarounds?