I am plotting with GLMakie my own 3D solids by defining GeometryBasics.faces(...) and GeometryBasics.coordinates(...) for each type. Then I plot the solids using a code like this:
m = GeometryBasics.mesh(solid)
points = GeometryBasics.coordinates(m)
faces = GeometryBasics.faces(m)
map!(c -> c * t, points, points) # apply some transformation to the points
m = GeometryBasics.Mesh(points, faces) # remake a mesh with the moved points
mesh!(s, m, color=color, transparency=true, visible=true)
It works but I get the 3D shapes without illumination. Like this:
Does anybody know what I should do to get a more realistic display of my solids?
m = GeometryBasics.normal_mesh(solid)
points = GeometryBasics.coordinates(m)
faces = GeometryBasics.faces(m)
map!(c -> c * 0.1, points, points) # apply some transformation to the points
m = GeometryBasics.Mesh(meta(points; normals=normals(m), faces))
Thanks, but it does not work. Perhaps I am missing something else.
I am not able to construct a normal_mesh with my shapes, and therefore the normals(m) returns nothing.
I was able to construct a mesh because I had the following functions defined I guess:
function GeometryBasics.Tesselation(s::G4VSolid, nvertices::NTuple{N,<:Integer}) where N
return Tesselation{3,Float64,typeof(s),N}(s, Int.(nvertices))
GeometryBasics.mesh(s::G4VSolid) = GeometryBasics.mesh(Tesselation(s, 64), facetype=typeof(first(GeometryBasics.faces(s))))
How can I do the equivalent for normal_mesh? BTW, I do not find any documentation on normal_mesh.
That’s not really what you should overload - sorry, this is badly documented, and don’t have time right now to document it Have to look at e.g. Sphere to see what to overload.
Anyways, the easiest solution to get things working is to just do this:
m = GeometryBasics.Mesh(meta(points; normals=normals(points, faces), faces))