Get rid of a grid behind the text in Makie

Running this snippet:

using Makie, Random

scene = Scene(resolution = (1200, 1500))

scene1 = Scene(scene, IRect(0, 0, 1200, 900))
image = rand(1:4, 640, 480)
imagenode = Node(image)
image!(scene1, imagenode, scale_plot = false, show_axis = false, interpolate = false, colormap=[:white, :blue, :green, :red])

scene2 = Scene(scene, IRect(0, 900, 1200, 550))
polynode = Node(rand(Vec2f, 10))
linesegments!(scene2, polynode)

scene3 = Scene(scene, IRect(0, 1460, 1200, 40))
textnode = Node("text")
text!(scene3, textnode)


I’m getting a grid displayed behind the text of textnode:

Is there a way to get rid of it?

Sorry, but it just caught my eye and it works:

text!(scene3, textnode, show_axis = false)

The grid is controlled by show_axis attribute.