Hi, this is a continuation of a previous question I’ve had on here.
At the moment I have some code like this to produce a mollweide projection image of the whole sky:
using Healpix
using GeoMakie
function main()
f = Figure()
ax = GeoAxis(f[1, 1]; dest="+proj=moll", yticklabelpad=100.0)
ax.xticksvisible = true
nside = 8
m = HealpixMap{Float64,RingOrder}(nside)
m.pixels[:] = 1:length(m.pixels)
rectimg = equirectangular(m)
meshimage!(ax, -180 .. 180, -90 .. 90, reverse(rectimg[1]; dims=1); color=:jet, colormap=:jet, npoints=1000)
which nets this:
The default colormap
is viridis, as stated in the Makie mesh
I would like to plot with a different colormap if possible, as seen in the example code, I’ve tried passing in colormap
and color
kwargs (both seperately and together) and it seems like they are ignored. Is there another method for setting the colormap?
I would also like the latitude ticks to not overlap with the image if possible, I’ve tried setting yticklabelpad=100.0
which seems to be ignored, same with trying to make the longitude ticks visible with xticksvisible=true
and xticklabelsvisible=true