Generate functions inside a function from string

My fault, sorry. I noticed this and forgot to modify it. Changed.

It’s slow and can’t be inlined because it has to do a full dynamic dispatch.

Just as a note, those functions are fast enough that @time is not going to be giving you a reliable or informative benchmark (you’re only running the function once, possibly also measuring compilation time, and you’re operating at global scope, which is slow). BenchmarkTools.jl solves all of those problems for you by running the function multiple times and gathering statistics. In general, @time is probably good enough for something which takes a few seconds, but for a function that takes less than a second you really want to use BenchmarkTools.

Using @btime from BenchmarkTools:

julia> using BenchmarkTools

julia> @btime subs($expr, $x => 1.0)
  139.558 Îźs (79 allocations: 2.34 KiB)

julia> @btime $f(1.0)
  11.564 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

julia> @btime $g(1.0)
  115.019 ns (2 allocations: 32 bytes)

Besides, I thought building something from string should not be a very uncommon thing…

Actually it’s not common in Julia precisely because it’s much easier to manipulate expressions directly in Julia compared to other programming languages. That means that we can treat Julia code as objects in Julia, manipulating or modifying them in code, without ever having to treat them as strings. For example, I can construct the expression x + y by quoting it:

julia> :(x + y)
:(x + y)

Or I can construct an Expression type by hand:

julia> Expr(:call, :+, :x, :y)
:(x + y)

and get the same result.

I can also modify an expression to get a new expression:

julia> ex = Expr(:call, :+, :x, :y)
:(x + y)

julia> ex.args[1] = :-  # change that + to a -

julia> ex
:(x - y)

In the above case I modified a Julia expression without having to do any string manipulation or invoking of parse().

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But you have to eval these expressions to generate a function. Here my main concern is how to construct a function from expressions without calling eval. String is not the most difficult part as parsing can do it perfectly.

I can’t tell from the discussion what exactly you are trying to accomplish (besides not wanting to use eval). But here is a stab in a somewhat different direction.

macro foo(partial_expr)
    expr = :(x->x)
    expr.args[2] = partial_expr

function bar()
        (@foo(x+2)(3), @foo(x*2)(3), @foo(x^2)(3))
julia> bar()
(5, 6, 9)

I created a separate thread here summarizing generally what I want:

I believe you posted in the wrong thread. To avoid confusion, I suggest you delete this post and post again in the correct thread: How do I create a function from an expression - #6 by Chong_Wang

The type instability is because of the Base.invokelatest, if you want to avoid it, you need to specify the output type like this Base.invokelatest(...)::Float64, but you already need to know your type.

Would be great if Base.invokelatest could be type stable.

The reason why invokelatest works at all is also what prevents it to be type stable.

Alright, so I have fixed this issue with a new implementation of genfun in SyntaxTree package

using SyntaxTree

f = SyntaxTree.genfun(:(-cos(x)), [:(x::Float64)], Float64)

julia> @btime $f(1.0)
  148.596 ns (2 allocations: 32 bytes)

while with the old version I get

julia> @btime $f(1.0)
  199.548 ns (2 allocations: 32 bytes)

So there is an improvement by adding the type stability option into SyntaxTree.genfun.

    genfun(expr, args::Array, typ=Any)

Returns an anonymous function based on the given `expr` and `args`.
function genfun(expr,args::Array,typ=Any)
    gs = gensym()
    list = Symbol[]
    for arg ∈ args
        push!(list,typeof(arg) == Expr ? arg.args[1] : arg)

This now appends ::DataType at the end of the Base.invokelatest call.

In my new version of SyntaxTree.genfun described in previous post,

julia> @code_warntype f(1.0)
  #self# <optimized out>

      return (Core.typeassert)((Core._apply_latest)(SyntaxTree.##713, (Core.tuple)(x::Float64)::Tuple{Float64})::Any, Float64)::Float64

So what is the difference between Base.invokelatest and Core._apply_latest?

Let’s rewrite that as

x = (Core._apply_latest)(SyntaxTree.##713, (Core.tuple)(x::Float64)::Tuple{Float64})::Any
y = (Core.typeassert)(x, Float64)::Float64

So __apply_latest infers to Any and then you have a type assert that errors if the result is not a Float64 and from there on we can assume that y is a Float64.

Hmmm, after restarting my REPL (was using Revise) the performance for both versions is the same

julia> g = SyntaxTree.genfun(:x,[:x])

julia> @btime $g(1.0)
  106.034 ns (2 allocations: 32 bytes)

julia> f = SyntaxTree.genfun(:x,[:(x::Float64)], Float64)
(::#15) (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @btime $f(1.0)
  109.066 ns (2 allocations: 32 bytes)

So it seems that the type assertion for Any vs. Float64 actually does not make a difference, but the new version of genfun seems to be faster than the original version anyway…

The type assert will only be beneficial if you use the result of the function in the same function as it was called.
Just tacking on a type assert will not make the call itself faster (in fact a bit slower since the type has to be checked).

Ah, that makes sense, thanks for clarifying. With SyntaxTree.genfun you will have both options.

As discussed in the other thread, in the SyntaxTree package there is now an updated genfun and @genfun for creating functions, and it now does not require Base.invokelatest, so is faster